At the 2025 elections, Waipā District Council will comprise a mayor elected at large, and 11 councillors: four from Cambridge Ward, three from the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Ward, two from the Pirongia-Kakepuku Ward, one from the Maungatautari Ward, and one from the Waipā Māori Ward.
Waipā will also have two community boards. The Cambridge Community Board will have five elected members plus two members appointed from either the Cambridge Ward, the Maungatautari Ward, or the Māori Ward. The Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board will have five elected members and two members appointed from the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Ward, the Pirongia-Kakepuku Ward or the Māori Ward.
Waipā District Council undertook a representation review in 2024 and decided to retain its current representation arrangements, with a minor boundary adjustment to move those living in the Frontier Estate subdivision out of the Pirongia-Kakepuku Ward into the Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Ward.
This is to meet the legal requirement for all members of the council to represent the same number of people, plus or minus 10 per cent.
The same minor boundary adjustment made to the ward boundaries has also been made to the community board boundaries.
The ability was also given for either urban, rural or Māori Ward councillors to take a seat at the community board table.