Call for Waipa's outstanding youth
11 April 2011
Nominations for the Waipa District Council's 2011 Youth Awards opened last week. The awards recognise the outstanding achievements of Waipa youth in academics, arts and culture, community service, leadership and sport.
Run annually by the Waipa District Council with support from the Waipa Youth Council, the awards are in their ninth year. They are open to young people aged 14 - 18 who reside, or attended school for at least six months in the award year, in the Waipa district.
Past recipients include Silver Fern Laura Langman and cyclists Tim Gudsell and Rushlee Buchanan.
Benefits of winning a youth award include improving future academic and scholarship opportunities and receiving cash prizes for Excellence (up to $300) and Merit (up to $200).
Mayor Alan Livingston said nominations for the awards have doubled since the inaugural Awards in 2003.
"The awards keep getting better because we have so much talent in Waipa. Last year we received 105 nominations, and recognised 39 exceptional young people," Mr Livingston said.
A number of organisations including Hautapu Sports, Rotary, Cambridge BNI, Storey Sport and Geon are supporting the awards with cash prizes and in-kind support.
Nominations for the awards are available from schools or the council's offices, libraries and website
Nominations close on Friday, May 13.