Waipa’s cemeteries online
Waipa's cemeteries online
25 March 2011
Waipa residents can now search for family and friends who have been laid to rest in the district's cemeteries using an online database developed by the Waipa District Council.
There are 10 cemeteries in Waipa at Hautapu, Leamington, Pukerimu, Ohaupo, Paterangi, Pirongia, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Pukeatua and Puahue. More than 13,600 people have been buried in the district.
Council's parks and reserves team leader Max Ward said the database, developed in-house by the Council's information technology department, contained more than 100 years of cemetery records.
The database can be searched by first name, last name or both, and by cemetery. When a person's details were found, the database provided information such as the date of birth and death, and grave site location and type.
Mr Ward said the database would provide a valuable and convenient service to the community. He said it may also be useful for people researching their genealogy.
People no longer have to phone our customer support centre for this information because the database can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Cemetery records and maps can also be printed.
The database is on the About our Services/Cemeteries section of the Council's website, www.waipadc.govt.nz.
Mr Ward said that while every care had been taken to ensure the information was correct, omissions or errors may have occurred or some information may not have been available.
He also said that because cemetery records had been collected for more than 100 years, the council was unable to guarantee the accuracy of information that may have been obtained from other sources.
We'd like the public's help to ensure the information we have is accurate. If anyone finds inaccuracies or missing information, they should call the council's customer support service.
For more information, please contact:
Jacqui Humm
Ph: 07 872 0062 or 027 532 1760
Email: Jacqui.humm@waipadc.govt.nz