Iwi representatives at Council
Four iwi representatives have been appointed to formal Committees of Waipā District Council.
The four members, known as Te Kanohi, were chosen following a robust selection and interview process by Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk alongside Kataraina Hodge, Marae Tukere and Shane Te Ruki. Their appointments were formally approved by the full Council this week.
Appointed iwi representatives include Miriata Tauroa (Strategic Planning and Policy Committee), Bill Harris (Service Delivery Committee), Bronwyn Koroheke (Finance and Corporate Committee) and Poto Davies (Regulatory Committee).
Te Kanohi will bring a Māori world view to each Committee and will be a voice for mana whenua interests across the district. Representatives will have voting rights on their respective Committees, in accordance with the delegations of that Committee.
Council resolved that iwi representatives would be appointed to each the four committees in November 2019, following the establishment of the Council’s committee structure.