Balloons Visit Waipā heads to Te Awamutu next month
Te Awamutu will play host to a range of hot air balloons when the popular Balloons Visit Waipā event heads to Albert Park next month.
The community event, supported by Waipā District Council and Balloons Over Waikato, will be held from 5pm - 8pm on Friday 19 March.
Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest said the free event would be a spectacular evening for the whole community to enjoy.
“I encourage everyone to make the most of having these magnificent hot air balloons in our own backyard,” he said.
“There will also be food available for purchase, entertainment and other activities so come along with your friends and whānau for a wonderful night out.”
The theme of this year’s event is ‘Keeping it Kiwi’, with New Zealand hot air balloons being the focus of the event. With the current border closure restrictions, no international hot air balloons are able to attend this year.
Sure to delight young and old is a rare opportunity to walk through the Waikato Sunrise Rotary hot air balloon in exchange for a gold coin donation, with all money going to KidsCan Charitable Trust.
The hot air balloons will start inflating at 6pm, depending on the weather, providing a stunning spectacle for the community.
Next month’s event will be Balloons Over Waikato’s first visit to Te Awamutu, with Cambridge hosting the event in previous years.
The balloons were scheduled to come to Te Awamutu last year, but were cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions on mass gatherings.
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