Council starting new Kihikihi water supply project
Waipa District Council is set to start the new water connection between Kihikihi and Te Awamutu, as preparation for another major infrastructure project gets underway.
The connection will see a new 4.8km watermain built in the road reserve along Park, Golf and Flat roads, joining up with the Kihikihi Reservoir on Rolleston Street.
Council’s service delivery group manager Dawn Inglis said the project would provide resilience for the town as it grows.
“Kihikihi is growing rapidly, with increasing numbers of new residents relocating here. In order to cater for projected population growth, the new alternative supply project will provide treated water to the town from the Waikato River (via the Te Awamutu supply), reducing the reliance on the current bores.
Inglis added residents should notice improvements in the water network as a result.
“Residents will be well-versed in the existing issues we have with discolouration and sediment, caused by mineral build-up in the two bores. Unfortunately, this can’t be completely remedied, but once the new pipeline is in place, residents will certainly notice improvements in this area.”
The first step of the project is to survey the route by air, with a drone collecting topographic information. Once this information is obtained, the council will embark on the detailed design process, which will be costed and put out to tender.
The construction of the new pipeline is expected to be underway in June 2021 and be completed by the end of the year. Funding will be provided by the Department of Internal Affairs Water Reform Stimulus package.
Council is nearing the end of the new Te Awamutu water supply upgrade project, with the Parallel Road Treatment Plant upgrade due to be completed by October 2021. More information about both projects is available here.