Council undertaking flood-hazard mapping project
Waipā District Council is undertaking a district-wide flood hazard mapping project to help plan for New Zealand’s changing climate, and the adverse weather events climate change could bring.
Severe weather events – also referred to as a one in one hundred year event - could become more common with climate change. More frequent intense rainfall may increase the likelihood of streams, watercourses and rivers flooding, and flash flooding could overwhelm urban drainage systems.
In response, councils have been urged through the Resource Management Act to take a proactive approach to planning for adverse weather events.
Waipā District Council service delivery group manager Dawn Inglis said the Waipā flood hazard mapping project aimed to identify urban areas of the district at risk of flooding so Council could plan appropriately to lessen the chance of flooding.
“The project helps us better understand the capacity of our current stormwater systems during and post-severe weather events,” she said.
“We’re looking at the resilience of Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Pirongia and Ohaupo. Flood mapping for Kihikihi was previously undertaken in 2018.”
She said letters would be sent to property owners identified through the preliminary report advising further investigations would be undertaken by Council to determine the potential extent of flooding on each property.
“It’s important that property owners know where flooding is expected so they can plan for that. We certainly don’t want properties being built on land where there is a risk of flooding in the future,” Inglis said.
“The next step in the investigation will tell us if it’s only in one corner, or on a shared driveway, or some other area away from the dwelling.
“It’s important people understand the risks relating to their own properties, however low they are, as these type of rare events may occur more frequently.”
Information gathered during the project will also help to identify if current stormwater infrastructure has sufficient capacity and is fit-for-purpose.
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