Minimum carparking requirements no more
Residents struggling to find parking may be further frustrated by the national directive to remove minimum carparking requirements, Waipā District Mayor warns.
The carparking removal is one of a number of provisions identified through the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPSUD) which came into effect on 23 July 2020. The NPSUD aims to align and coordinate planning across urban areas throughout New Zealand.
The provision would allow developments to have much smaller footprints and would not stop a business or development from having carparks if it wished to.
As a Tier 1 council, Waipā District Council is required to implement the provisions of the NPSUD within a 24 month period from 23 July.
Although the NPSUD relates to urban environments, the Ministry for the Environment has advised that the removal of carparking minimum requirements applies across the whole district and in all zones, whether urban or rural.
Mayor Jim Mylchreest said the nationwide direction to remove minimum carparking across all zones from the District Plan meant leaving the decision up to developers could result in a complete lack of onsite carparking.
“We are required by central government to implement the NPSUD, whether or not we agree with the changes, and this is one that goes against what our local communities want.”
“We’ve heard loud and clear that our communities want more car parks, not less, so we’ll certainly be looking at new developments so the developers can take parking needs into consideration.”
It is expected that even with the minimum carpark requirements taken out, retail developments and service-based industries will still retain onsite carparks for their customers.
“Ultimately however, the decision will be made entirely by the developers.”
Waipā, along with all territorial authorities across New Zealand, has now removed policies, objectives, rules and assessment criteria from the District Plan that had the effect of requiring a minimum number of car parks.
The requirement for accessible carparks, parking dimensions, manoeuvring standards and other on-site traffic management methods such as parking for vehicles other than cars, loading bays, drop off areas, bus and bike parking are not affected and will remain in the District Plan.
To learn more about the NPSUD carparking provision, please head to