Rescue dog wins free dog registration for life
Since registrations opened in May, more than 6700 or 75 percent of dogs across the district have been registered. Around 2200 registrations are still outstanding.
Council compliance manager Karl Tutty said the number of registrations had increased this year compared to the same time last year.
“We’ve seen a boost in the number of people registering their dogs early which is fantastic. Registration is a legal requirement as required by the Dog Control Act and needs to be done each year before the end of June.”
Tutty urged owners who hadn’t yet registered their dog to do so as soon as possible.
“We have already started the 2021/2022 year. If dogs are not registered before 31 July (which falls on a Sunday this year), a 50 per cent penalty will be added to the original fee.”
Registration fees fund Council’s 24-hour dog control service, contribute towards administration costs and maintain pound facilities and exercise areas.
Registrations can be made online at or at Council offices in Te Awamutu and Cambridge.