Some recycling collections on hold at Alert Levels 3 and 4
Recycling collection continues for most, but not all households in Waipā, says Waipā District Council.
Waipā District Council has had to temporarily suspend recycling collection services to households on narrow streets and those using the assisted service, due to high risk of contamination and spread.
Waipā District Council’s Operations Team Leader – Transportation, Jennifer Braithwaite says the change in service follows the same processes as the 2020 lockdown as a safe guard against COVID-19.
“The Waipā district’s recycling collection is on hold at both Alert levels 3 and 4 for properties with narrow streets or accessways where our recycling trucks have trouble turning around and those on our assisted service, where drivers need to physically lift the bin and empty it into the truck.
“It’s the manual handling element that increases the potential health risks to the driver, so we’re placing these collections on hold while we’re at Alert Levels 3 and 4. The service will be back to normal collection at Alert Level 2,” Braithwaite confirmed.
Council said the reason the majority of the district’s recycling collection can take place uninterrupted is due to the contractor using a larger truck with a mechanical lifting arm that can be operated from inside the truck.
Braithwaite said the vast majority of Waipā residents wouldn’t be impacted by the limitations and Waipā District Council was working to create solutions for those who would.
Braithwaite asks that residents ensure bins are placed apart and easily accessible to ensure the drivers were able to empty them.
“Please help keep our essential workers safe by placing your bin on the kerbside correctly and away from cars, letterboxes and other wheelie bins.
“Our drivers need space around the bin to lift it safely, and they aren’t able to get out to move bins during Alert Levels 3 and 4 so we appreciate every effort our residents go to in order to help us.”
A full list of affected properties and other questions about changes to Council services is available at
Waipā District Council is not responsible for rubbish collection in the district, and any issues around rubbish collection should be directed to individual service providers.