Final steps for Hamilton Road Cycleway
The final touches are being put on the Hamilton Road Cycleway next week, with traffic signals being switched on and a now redundant pedestrian crossing removed.
Waipā District Council began installing the Hamilton Road Cycleway – Waipa’s first dual pathway – in April and with the footpath etchings freshly laid, Transportation Manager Bryan Hudson said the new cycleway is something to behold.
“Our contractors have done a magnificent job installing this safe dual cycleway that features a dedicated lane for skates, mobility scooters, bikes and other small wheels, and a footpath alongside that will cater for people travelling between the CBD, residential areas and schools along and around the Hamilton Road area.”
New footpath etchings were installed late in October and feature ‘share with care’ messages and footprint designs to identify different areas of use.
A final overhead street light was installed at the signalised crossing late last week, and with the crossing being completed this week, the cycleway will be fully open for use, Hudson said.
“We’ve already received great feedback about the water fountain and seating placed along the new cycleway and we’re really pleased to have delivered yet another great cycling connection for Cambridge.”
Residents will see more action around the Grey Street intersection from 8 November while contractors remove the existing zebra crossing on Hamilton Road, and reinstate the berm. Stop/go traffic management will be in place, with staff on hand to guide pedestrians while work takes place.
“Once the new signals are in place, we would like to remind drivers to please be vigilant and patient for people crossing the road, and to be mindful of other road users in general while everyone gets used to the new layout.
“We have been a bit disappointed to see reports of some drivers taking advantage during the construction phase to use the new cycleway to turn early into their residences. Some drivers ignore “No Entry” and “No right Turn” regulations at side streets. We would like to remind those people that these changes are intended to ensure a high level of safety in areas where the interaction of vehicles and vulnerable road users is a real risk. We trust that this behaviour won’t continue once the cycleway is fully operational,” Hudson added.
Council will soon be starting on stage two of the Hamilton Road Cycleway, extending on from where the path currently terminates in Payne Park, and connecting it with the new local retail hub by Kelly Road in anticipation of the new C2 residential development.