The junior playground at Lake Te Koo Utu on Thornton Rd, Cambridge received a makeover recently as part of Stage 1 of Waipā District Council’s renewal of the play space at the popular location.
The playground renewal aligns with the concept plan for the reserve in partnership with mana whenua and the community which was approved last year by elected members following consultation with the community.
The first stage took about six weeks [20 September – 3 November] to complete after the initial start was delayed by Covid Alert level 4, said Waipā District Council acting Community Service Manager Brad Ward.
“A specific requirement of the new facilities was to provide increased inclusivity and accessibility, including audio and sensory items,” Ward said.
“Selection of the replacement play equipment was targeted to deliver this specific project outcome.”
Experienced play space contractors Brodiehailwood (design) and Fluhler Contracting (installation) worked together on the project alongside Council staff, with the cost to build approximately $64,000.
“Working largely within the same footprint to retain the mature trees surrounding the playground, the new equipment was designed to fit within the existing area with some slight changes for the new equipment," Ward said.
Residents could look forward to further upgrades this year, with Fluhler Contracting preparing to renew the remaining senior playground assets as part of Stage 2, he said.