Children in Cambridge can look forward to a better play area from May after the senior playground at Lake Te Koo Utu undergoes an exciting upgrade.
The makeover is part of the second and final stage of Waipā District Council’s renewal of play space at the popular location.
Acting Community Services Manager Brad Ward said work on the playground, near the corner of Thornton Rd and Bowen St, will begin on 28 February and will take about 13 weeks to complete. It is expected to be completed by 23 May.
The existing equipment will need to be removed, with the under surface, paths and furniture deconstructed prior to the construction of the new playground, Ward said.
The renewal of the facility will see multiple new features installed including a large Lagoon play unit, a basket swing, jungle ropes, a double mega swing and a spinner alongside a timber trail and trampoline.
“We have made sure to install a new drinking fountain, seating, rubbish bin and will be reinstating the lawn and garden areas.
“The pathways will be upgraded to concrete with the path cobbles being removed and recycled.”
For safety reasons the junior playground at Lake Te Koo Utu which is in close proximity to the works will also need to be closed for four to six weeks, Ward said.
“In stage one we upgraded the junior playground that was completed last month and it has had a great response from the community, with many excited to make full use of the facility.”
Experienced play space contractors Brodiehailwood the design and Fluhler Contracting will be installing the playground.
During the works there will be a two metre fence enclosing the space and pedestrians will be diverted around the playground through the park.