War Memorial Park bridge access to be reinstated
This week, Waipā District Council will begin preparations for two new pedestrian bridges which will be installed in May to replacing two existing bridges in Te Awamutu War Memorial Park, one of which has been closed since October 2017 due to safety concerns.
The work is part of the park’s concept plan, which was adopted on 1 June 2021 by Council’s Strategic Planning and Policy committee.
The plan highlighted a desire to reinstate the three bridges crossing the Mangaohoi Stream which commemorate the New Zealand Army (Papatūānuku), the Royal New Zealand Air Force (Ranginui) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (Tangaroa) with improved pedestrian linkages.
The new bridges have been designed in collaboration with the Te Awamutu Returned and Services Association (RSA) and mana whenua.
The beloved park, located on Mutu Street, will see vegetation trimming from 19 to 22 April, with bridge piling starting the following week, after ANZAC day commemorative services have taken place.
Work will be limited to the northern side of the Mangaohoi Stream to reduce interruptions during school holidays and fenced off from the Christie Avenue entrance through to the netball courts until the programme finishes in early July for safety.
Waipā District Mayor Jim Mylchreest said the new bridges will provide better pedestrian connections and reinstate access across the park.
“One of our community’s main wishes through the War Memorial Park concept plan consultation was to have safe and improved access for people of all abilities and the new 2.5m wide bridges will provide just that.
“We recognise the works may be disruptive while they are underway but the outcome of having access finally reinstated to all areas of the beloved park will certainly outweigh this in the end.”
Access to the dog exercise area on the northern side of the park will remain closed throughout the works, and contractors, Bridge It NZ will seek to minimise other disruptions by having work take place on weekdays during daylight hours only. Nearby dog exercise areas are located in Anchor Park and Wallace Terrace.
Regular progress updates of the bridge installation will be available on the Waipā District Council website at www.waipadc.govt.nz/majorprojects and sent through to those who requested to be kept updated through the concept plan development.