Newly updated Cambridge Skatepark designs
The concept plan designs for the Cambridge Skatepark in Dominion Avenue have been updated and are now available for the public to view.
The concept plans went through public consultation in December 2021, where Council staff sought feedback from the skate community on the first cut designs drawn up by Waikato skate park builder Acid New Zealand. The response was impressive with 90 people completing the survey and providing their input regarding the two existing skate facilities in the Waipā district.
The concept plans will see the existing skatepark in Cambridge get a full refresh and upgrade, to transform it into a facility that skaters of all abilities and levels will be proud of and enjoy for many years to come.
Acting Community Services Manager Brad Ward said the new skatepark will be a great addition to the Dominion Avenue site.
“With the upgraded skate facility, we’re creating a real hub of activity with existing facilities of a pump track, the original community built half pipe which recently got a makeover, and the neighbouring the Perry Aquatic Centre Puna Kaukau O Te Oko Horoi in close proximity.”
“We have made sure that the Cambridge and Te Awamutu skateparks are different and have contrasting features to create diversity in the districts skate offering.”
Following feedback from the Cambridge skate community some changes made to the designs included removing the staircase and extending the hip, raising the learner zone surface and adding a pumpbump for beginners, quarter pipe and rainbow rail. Additional seats and shaded areas were incorporated.
Unfortunately not all feedback was able to be built into the design. Requests for larger flow bowls and features to cater for more BMX riders were unable to be accommodated, largely due to the site footprint and stormwater capacity.
“We would have loved to incorporate all feedback, but the additional infrastructure required for further BMX features wasn’t going to work on this site without compromising the skate components which we wanted to keep at the core of the design. A few of the features we have ensured to include in the designs are flat rails, stair sets, an euro gap, flow bowl, and variations of quarter pipes,” Ward said.
Each section of the bowl will offer a different feel with different heights to cater to all skater skill levels.
To present the updated concept plans, Council will be holding a drop in session for skaters and the community to see the designs at the Cambridge Skatepark on Dominion Avenue on, 29 April from 4.30pm to 6pm.
“It is an opportunity for skaters and the wider community to come and check out the updated designs, ask any questions, learn in depth about the different features and provide any final feedback,” Ward added.
The next step in the project will be starting construction on the Cambridge Skatepark in early September. The works will be completed by Acid NZ and head contractor Fluhler Contracting Limited, the same contractors who are currently delivering the Te Awamutu Skatepark upgrade.
The Te Awamutu Skatepark construction began in March and is well on its way to be completed in September 2022.
Council is currently in the process of identifying appropriate sites for the future Pirongia and Kihikihi skateparks.
For more information and to see the updated concept plan designs go to