Lake Te Koo Utu’s new senior playground is now open for children in Cambridge to enjoy.
Work began on the playground, located at Te Koo Utu on Thornton Road (opposite Bowen Street) and took 12 weeks to complete after contractors started on site 28 February. The upgrade was the final part of Waipā District Council’s renewal of the play space at the popular location.
Acting Community Services Manager Brad Ward said the senior playground upgrade is a great addition alongside the new junior playground.
“Stage one focused on upgrading the junior playground which we completed in January and we’ve had a great response from the community, with many excited to take their children along to the new playground.”
“The Lake Te Koo Utu playground was already a popular spot for families to enjoy, and the level of wear on these old assets showed the great level of use. We know the upgraded facilities will be well-loved.”
With the old equipment removed, the new playground features multiple play modules including a large lagoon play unit, a basket swing, jungle ropes, a double mega swing and a spinner alongside an in-ground trampoline and timber trail that connects the junior and senior spaces.
To complement the new area, a new drinking fountain, seating, and rubbish bin have been installed, and the lawn and garden areas have been reinstated. Pathways have also been upgraded to concrete with the old path cobbles removed and recycled.
Both the Lake Te Koo Utu senior and junior play spaces were installed by Fluhler Contracting and designed by Brodiehailwood.
Ward said the playground located on MacLean Street will be removed the week starting 9 May because of its age, wear and tear, lack of patronage and due to its proximity between the St Kilda playground and the new upgraded facilities at Te Koo Utu. There are also plans to develop a larger playground on the northern town belt to offset the loss of the smaller MacLean St playground.
“With the recent – and impending – playground developments, removing the MacLean Street playground allows us to invest more and improve the play value offering in the right locations in Cambridge and the wider district.”