Public consultation on water supply bylaw approved
Waipā District Council’s review of its Water Supply Bylaw was approved for public consultation by the Strategic Planning & Policy Committee on Tuesday.
The committee gave the green light for public consultation to take place from Friday 13 May to Monday 13 June 2022.
Council’s Group Manager Service Delivery Dawn Inglis said the bylaw could affect everyone who lived in the district, and as such, encouraged all residents and stakeholders such as existing high-volume water customers to provide feedback.
She said the key reason for the bylaw is the need to protect the water supply network, address any risks which could lead to potential contamination, and to maintain public health and safety.
Elected members questioned if the bylaw review was still required with the looming 1 July 2024 deadline for Three Waters Reform, which will reshape the way water is delivered across New Zealand.
Reviewing this bylaw now will ensure Council has an agreed approach and rules around water supply ahead of the Three Waters Reform, Inglis said.
“We are looking to future-proof the bylaw to benefit the residents of Waipā so that it can be adopted by any new entity established as signalled by the Government’s Three Waters Reform,” Inglis said.
“While the bylaw review will not include any consultation on Three Waters Reform, it will provide an opportunity for us to engage with partners, stakeholders and the public on issues relating to the district’s water supply covered by the bylaw.”
Further information and consultation on the bylaw review will be available from Friday 13 May at, with adoption expected in late September.