Waipā Transport Strategy Locked In
A 30-year “big picture” Transport Strategy has been formally adopted by Waipā District Council.
The strategy was agreed following a six-week consultation period earlier this year. More than 170 submissions were received, traversing issues ranging from climate change to public transport and the desire for a third river crossing in Cambridge.
The strategy has an emphasis on decreasing reliance on private vehicles, either through improved public transport or by encouraging safe cycling and walking. This reflects government policy, including a bigger emphasis on reducing carbon emissions.
Regional policies and plans were also taken into account with service delivery group manager Dawn Inglis emphasising Waipā does not “exist in a bubble”.
“When planning long-term for transport we need to be aware of what our neighbours are doing and what the government is planning and is prepared to support,” Inglis said.
“This is a big picture strategy that clearly sets out a direction of travel and will ensure investment decisions are taken within an agreed framework.”
The strategy has confirmed the need for a third bridge in Cambridge, noting money was set aside last year for a business case to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. The business case will make a pitch for government funding to help pay for the new bridge.
Key transport priorities for the district include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in more travel options including growing public transport use through extended services and frequency. There will continue to be an emphasis on road safety and maintaining rural roads.
The 2022-2052 Waipā Transport Strategy will be reviewed in five years and is now available online at waipadc.govt.nz/transportstrategy.