Community funding open for local projects
Local community groups and organisations can now seek funding to support their group or a project.
Waipā District Council’s Te Awamutu and Cambridge Community Boards and Pirongia Ward Committee have opened their first round of the 2022-23 Discretionary Fund, with more than $126,000 available for 2022-23.
The funding round opened Monday 4 July and will close Friday 12 August.
The Discretionary Fund provides support to community organisations that offer services and support in the Waipā district.
Council’s acting chief executive Ken Morris said the Discretionary Funds are a great opportunity for community groups to get projects underway that have been constrained by funding.
“The 2021 – 22 Community Discretionary Fund injected $118,692 into our community over the span of two funding rounds with the money allocated to 77 local groups.”
Successful applicants included the Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society which received funding to install a heat pump in the envirocentre, Diabetes Waikato Youth for educational activities and Te Awamutu Rugby Sports and Recreation Club for the installation of security cameras.
“The fund has helped get some impactful community projects started over the years, and it’s awesome to see our communities taking full advantage of the funding available,” Morris said.
The Boards and Committee will consider applications for financial assistance for projects by 15 September. Funding is typically allocated for amounts between $200 and $2,000+GST but applications seeking larger amounts may also be considered.
A second funding round will open 6 February 2023 and will close 17 March 2023 for consideration in April.
Application forms are available at Council offices or to download go to