Canine comments still coming
Around 250 people have now formally shared their thoughts about dogs in Waipā …and comments are still coming in.
Council continues to seek feedback from the community on dog exercise rules, exercise areas, prohibited areas, and other aspects of dog control. The feedback will help shape potential changes to dog control policy and associated bylaw to be formally considered later in the year. At that point, Council will call for formal public submissions on specific proposals.
Waipā’s group manager, district growth and regulatory Wayne Allan said feedback received already traversed everything from where and how dogs should be exercised, to dog registration fees and the rights of those who don’t own dogs to also enjoy the district’s parks.
“People have got plenty to say which is great. The feedback will provide some solid guidance as to whether or not we need to make changes to our dog policies that better reflect what our community wants,” he said.
“I don’t think we are necessarily anticipating massive change, but we do need to be aware that as the district grows and the population increases, so will the number of dogs. That has an impact on our parks and green spaces and also impacts on non-dog owners. And of course, we have legislative requirements that we have to meet, including providing adequate dog pound facilities, bins and signage. So there’s a bit to work through.”
Council staff will be out in the community, actively seeking feedback on dog issues over the next few weeks. Staff will be at the Cambridge Farmers’ Market on July 30 and at the car-boot Sale in Bank St, Te Awamutu on August 6. They will also have pop up stalls in Victoria Street in Cambridge on 13 August and Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu on 20 August.
“We want to meet and chat with as many people as possible, explain what we’re doing and why and make it easy for people to make comment,” Allan said.
“People can continue to provide feedback either online, or via old-fashioned pen and paper forms that we will have with us. Those forms are already available now from council offices and libraries and we’re taking feedback right through until the end of August.”
Online forms are available at, or people can email with the subject line Dog Control Policy.
More information is available via Dog Control Policy - Waipa District Council (