Water saving a priority as hot summer looms
With the days getting longer and the temperature rising, we’re encouraging Waikato locals to get ahead of the game with tips and tricks to be smart with water this summer season.
“Water is one of our most precious resources, especially during the summer when the amount of water used can almost double,” said Hamilton City Council’s Unit Director - Three Waters, Maire Porter.
Water demand is going up as the weather improves, and with one awa (river) to sustain many, we all need to be mindful of how we use wai (water) in the Waikato.
“Hamilton Kirikiriroa is one of several authorities that take water from the Waikato Awa, and there’s a limit on how much can be taken each year,” said Porter. “As our communities prepare for the summer months, we all have a role to play to ensure that we use this precious resource sustainably. Every drop counts.”
A large proportion of Waikato’s outdoor water use is from sprinklers and hand-held hoses, with some people using them more often, and for longer than needed.
Waipā water services manager Karl Pavlovich said that we are seeing water usage creeping up and if the trend continues Waipā will move to higher alert levels.
“Save water for the things you really need, like your vegetable garden and house plants, and try watering the garden for a longer time once every two to three days to encourage deeper and healthier roots,” said Pavlovich. “Drought tolerant plants are a good low-maintenance option as they need minimal watering once established.”
Waitomo District Council’s General Manager Infrastructure Services, Shyamal Ram says it is predicted to be a dry hot summer, which means increased demand on water supply.
“If we are more mindful of conserving our water even in the earlier stages of the dry season, it will help create habits that will make a difference when water conservation is needed most,” said Ram. “If everyone can play their part by using water wisely, we can hopefully make a big difference.”
We’d love to know how you save wai (water) in the Waikato. Make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram and stay tuned for some awesome water-saving giveaways.
About Smart Water and partnering Councils
The Smart Water Starts with you! sub-regional campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a partnership between Hamilton City Council, Waipā District Council and Waitomo District Council. It aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of water from source to tap and support schools, organisations and the community to value water and use it in an efficient way.
Smart Water’s website smartwater.org.nz has everyday water saving tips that can make an immediate difference to decreasing water consumption, including:
- Choose one water-saving tip that you will start doing and make it a permanent habit.
- Keep pool cover on – on average, a 3.5m metre pool loses 53 litres a day to evaporation – that’s the same as leaving your kitchen tap running full blast for over 8 minutes every day! A pool cover also keeps bugs and leaves out and stops the sun turning the water green.
- Take your kids to your local public pool to cool down.
- Keep a jug of water in the fridge so you don’t need to run the tap.
- Mulch your plants – this will stop 97% of water from evaporating. Use bark, grass clippings or pea straw.
- Water is going to be in demand – use it for the things that matter. Let your lawn go brown and use water for your veggies.
- You might take more frequent showers to stay cool but be mindful to keep them short.
- Collect rainwater from your roof and use it on your plants.
- Raise your lawnmower blade up a notch – grass can survive the heat better when it is longer.
- Rinse feet before getting into a pool. Water will stay cleaner and require fewer chemical additives.
- Only put the washing machine or dishwasher on when it is full.
Smart Water has an e-newsletter to let you know when your alert level changes. Sign up at smartwater.org.nz/subscribe. For more water saving tips, visit smartwater.org.nz.