Lake Ngā Roto’s future open for feedback
Lake Ngā Roto
People can now share their views on a draft plan to shape the future and direct the efforts to improve the health of the Waipā District’s largest peat lake, Lake Ngā Roto.
The poor water quality of the lake – an extreme public health warning currently remains in place due to harmful algal blooms – is a focal point of the plan to support the restoration and supporting catchment.
The area including the lake is steeped in history and is culturally significant to mana whenua. It was one of the first areas to be settled post the migration of Māori inland from Kāwhia and the site of New Zealand’s largest intertribal battle, Hingakākā, where many thousands of warriors died.
Community Services Manager Brad Ward said there was a large and diverse number of interests in and users of the lake.
“We know Ngā Roto is hugely treasured by many in our community through connection to the whenua (land). Many people use the reserve for recreation and over the last 30 years, there has been a strong biodiversity restoration effort.
"The purpose of the draft plan is to set a long-term vision for how we want Lake Ngā Roto to be within a generation and will guide Council’s decisions and actions to achieve this vision.”
Informal feedback was open from 27 June to 28 July to inform the Lake Ngā Roto Recreation Reserve Management Plan review. Forty-five individual responses were received, along with input from recreational sports clubs.
Council staff worked closely with mana whenua representatives from Ngāti Apakura and Ngāti Hikairo and met with Peat Lake Accord partners, lessees and lake users, adjoining landowners, Waikato Regional Council, Sport Waikato and Waipā District elected members to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities for the new plan.
“The valuable feedback we've received has helped shape a draft plan we believe addresses the key aspects of the reserve. Now, we need the wider community's input to ensure we've got it right for one of our nationally-significant peat lakes.”
The draft reserve management plan outlines four main objectives for the reserve:
Feedback is open and will close 5pm Friday, April 18. To view the draft reserve management plan and to have your say visit
Lake Ngā Roto