Council told Local Alcohol Policy should change
NewsWaipā’s elected members have been advised to make changes to the district’s alcohol policy to help reduce alcohol-related harm in the district.
Downer awarded Waipā District’s roading contract
NewsDowner has been awarded Waipā District Council’s $30 million contract to maintain the districts roads for the next three years.
Boost for Creative Community funding
NewsFestival organisers have a chance to benefit from $22 million additional funding from the Creative Communities Scheme.
Modest rent increase for pensioner housing
NewsTenants in Waipā District Council’s pensioner housing units will see a modest rental increase from next month.
Kihikihi cul-de-sacs get green light in ‘evolutionary move’
NewsIn what has been dubbed an ‘evolutionary move’, six cul-de-sacs have been given the green light to advance as part of the development of Te Ara Rimu, Kihikihi pathway.
Waste to energy plant application live
NewsA proposal to construct a waste to energy plant in Te Awamutu has been reactivated.
Three mana whenua reps appointed
NewsThree of four spots for mana whenua representatives on Waipā District Council committees have been filled.
Cambridge clock in line for major overhaul
NewsCambridge’s historic town clock is up for ‘open heart surgery’.
Te Awamutu Cemetery costly break in
NewsThieves broke into Te Awamutu Cemetery in the early hours of Sunday morning, stealing $3,000 worth of tools and causing $4,000 worth of damage to the sexton’s shed.
‘Lost’ books and familiar faces returning to Waipā libraries
NewsThe removal of fines for overdue library books has seen some long-lost faces welcomed back to Waipā’s libraries.
Security bolstered in Te Awamutu office
NewsImproved security is being introduced at Waipā District Council’s Te Awamutu office to ensure the health and safety of staff.
Youngsters schooled early in Waipā history
NewsHundreds of Waipā pre-schoolers are getting a head-start on local history.
Council to investigate Te Awamutu covered market
NewsCouncil has agreed to help investigate the potential for a new indoor market in Te Awamutu.
Upgrade planned for historic Hall Street
NewsCambridge’s historic Hall St is booked in for a facelift.
Fluoride legal action rejected
NewsWaipā District Council will not join legal action seeking a review of a government directive around fluoride.
62 building consents caught in engineering sign-offs
NewsAt least 62 Waipā building consents have been caught up in allegedly fraudulent engineering sign-offs.
Waipā jump-starts affordable housing change
NewsWaipā looks set to become only the second council after Queenstown to use inclusionary zoning to address concerns around housing costs.
Tweaks to District Plan proposed
NewsMinor changes to make Council’s District Plan more workable and practical may be on the way.
Community funding opens
NewsNon-profit groups in Waipā are being encouraged to apply for funding support.
Halfway point on Victoria Street Bridge repaint
NewsThe repainting of the 116-year-old Victoria Street Bridge in Cambridge has reached a major milestone this month, with work now at the halfway point.