Public called on to help Waipā move with the times
NewsLocals have the power to help shape the next 30 years in Waipā with the recent launch of community feedback for the Council’s progressive new transport strategy that affects all residents.
Mighty River Domain a 'no dog zone'
NewsThe Mighty River Domain is a ‘no-dog zone’ and Waipā residents have been urged to be responsible and keep their pooches off the site.
Second round of Waipā community fund opens
NewsThe second round of Waipā District Council’s Community Discretionary Fund is now open to receive applications for non-profit community groups in the Waipā district seeking financial assistance.
Waipā district weathers storm
NewsWaipā District Council phones have been running hot after ex-Tropical Cyclone Dovi left a slew of damage to trees and power lines in the weekend storm.
Te Awamutu Skatepark concept plans finalised
NewsCouncil held consultations in December 2021, seeking feedback from the skate community for the Cambridge and Te Awamutu concept plans.
Cambridge & Moana Roa Reserve tree removal for safety & replanting
NewsTreescape, will be undertaking the tree removal to make way for planting of more suitable species. Starting on Tuesday 15 February they will begin to remove some of the trees at Moana Roa Reserve.
Planned maintenance for Pop ‘n’ Good Playground
NewsThe Pop ‘n’ Good playground in Pioneer Park, Te Awamutu will be under maintenance for six weeks from 14 February to 21 March for safety surfacing improvements.
Waipā’s proposed rates increase aligns with LTP
NewsDraft proposed average annual rates increases for Waipā District Council ratepayers
Residents urged to check recycling alerts
NewsWaipā District Council has recently become aware that a number of residents are receiving incorrect recycling collection notifications on the free mobile app Antenno; this problem is easily fixed.
‘Extreme’ levels of E.coli and cyanobacteria close Lake Ngā Roto
NewsPublic access to Ngā Roto has been temporarily closed following a Waikato District Health Board (DHB) escalation of the cyanobacteria public health warning.
Lake Te Koo Utu junior playground upgrade completed
NewsThe junior playground at Lake Te Koo Utu on Thornton Rd, Cambridge received a makeover recently.
Historic copies of the Te Awamutu Courier get a second life
NewsTe Awamutu Museum is giving historic copies of the Te Awamutu Courier a second life by digitising the newspaper publications produced between 1936 and 1950.
Maungatautari's Hicks Road access reopens
NewsWaipā residents will wake up to new year and a new entrance to a favourite spot, with the reopening of Maungatautari Reserve’s Hicks Road access on 1 January 2022.
High interest rolls in for Waipā Skatepark concept plans
NewsFeedback rolled in during four skate park consultations held by Waipā District Council in Cambridge and Te Awamutu, after they sought feedback on two new skatepark concept plans.
Stay sober behind the wheel this Christmas
NewsWaipā District Council is urging residents to encourage their friends not to drink and drive.
Waipā to supply wastewater services to Tokanui Village
NewsThe baton for the supply of wastewater services to Tokanui properties on Te Mawhai Road has been passed over to Waipā District Council.
Decision on final Waipā representation delayed due to appeal
NewsThe final decision on whether Waipā District Council’s elected member representation will change next election will be made by 11 April 2022 after one appeal was received during the appeal period.
Waipā urban flood maps to be available early 2022
NewsWaipa District Council is undertaking a district-wide urban flood hazard mapping project to help plan for adverse weather events climate change could bring to its urban areas.
Waipā receives ‘Agent of Change’ award for cycling project
NewsWaipā District Council was one of ten councils around Aotearoa who have been recognised for their work in trialling interim street changes, that have boosted the numbers of people walking and biking.
Waipā transport strategy moving with the times
NewsNew Zealand transport is changing, and Waipā District Council is moving with the times by endorsing consultation for a progressive transport strategy on Tuesday.