Strategy and Plans
Annual Residents Survey
Each year we check in with our community to see how satisfied residents and ratepayers are with their council's performance.
2050 District Growth Strategy
A District Growth Strategy is a plan to manage the growth of the district with the overall aim to take an integrated approach to managing growth.
Environmental Strategy
Waipa is a diverse district that is renowned for its outstanding landscapes and special sites
Financial Strategy
The Financial Strategy is a key part of the Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and it explains the financial background guiding Waipa’s plans for the next 30-Years.
Infrastructure Strategy
The 30-year Infrastructure Strategy covers issues around the district's water supply, wastewater, stormwater drainage, and roads and footpaths.
Local Area Plans
Local Area Plans provide a spatial framework to guide future development, urban design, and investment for specific areas within Waipā.
Long Term Plan
The Long Term Plan is a document that sets the direction for the district and is formally reviewed and updated every three years.
Reserve management plans
Reserve management plans ensure that usage, development, management and protection of reserves is consistent with classifications.
Town Concept Plans
Town Concept Plans have been prepared for Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Kihikihi, Ohaupo and Pirongia to provide a 'blueprint' for future development.
Waipā’s Economy