Zone building guidelines
If you plan to build, alter, or extend your home or any other building, there are a few important things to know if you live in a large lot residential, medium density residential, residential, or rural zone.
If you don't know which zone you live in, you can find it:
- ePlan, our interactive District Plan
- Property snapshot online tool
- calling us on 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723)
Large lot residential zone
The Large Lot Residential Zone rules in the District Plan aim to allow growth through low-density residential development with a more rural feel. Buildings are designed, located, scaled and serviced in a manner that does not detract from the character of the area.
What can I build on my section?
For a section 2500m2 (2000m2 in Pirongia) or greater | one dwelling and one secondary dwelling no greater than 70m2 (excluding garaging) are permitted |
For a section less than 5000m2 | a secondary dwelling should be included within the bulk of the main dwelling so that the building contains both dwellings and has the appearance of one dwelling |
For a section greater than 5000m2 | a secondary dwelling should either be attached to the main dwelling or to a garage servicing the primary and the secondary dwelling |
How much of my section can I cover with buildings?
Site size | Building coverage |
Less than or equal to 1000m2 | 25% of the net site area |
Between 1000m2 and 1249m2 | A maximum of 250m2 |
Between 1250m2 and 2499m2 | 20% of the net site area |
Between 2500m2 and 3344m2 | A maximum of 500m2 |
On all other sites | 15% of the net site area |
Provided that, in all instances the gross floor area of all accessory buildings combined on a site may not exceed 100m2.

How high can my building be?
The maximum building height is 8m. Height recessions (daylight control demonstrating shading) also apply. Please refer to District Plan Appendix O6 or see the diagram.
How close can I build to a road?
All road boundary setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Location | Setback |
Waikato Expressway | 35m |
Strategic roads | 15m |
All other roads | 10m |
How close can I build to side or rear boundaries?
All internal boundary setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Location | Setback |
For sites 1500m2 or less | 3m |
For sites 1501m2 or greater | 5m |
Dwellings and detached habitable rooms adjoining a rural zone | 10m |
Pens or enclosures for the housing of animals (other than paddocks) | 10m |
How much of my section needs to be grass/garden, etc.?
The coverage of impermeable surfaces (like roofs, paving, metalled driveways, gobi-blocks, paving and other similar materials) on a site must not exceed 800m2. For sites that are 2500m2 or smaller, the maximum impermeable coverage must not exceed 33% of the net site area.
Please refer to the Definitions section of the Waipā District Plan for what is defined as permeable and impermeable.
Download your copy of the Large Lot Residential Zone building guidelines (PDF, 1.478MB)
Medium density residential zone
The Medium Density Zone rules in the District Plan support growth by allowing more homes to be built in our residential areas. Buildings must be designed, located, scaled and serviced according to the set by central government.
What can I build on my section? | - You are permitted to have up to two dwellings on your property - Any development of three or more dwellings requires a resource consent - Different requirements apply on Character Cluster sites |
How much of my section can I cover with buildings | - In most areas, up to 50% of the net site area of your site can be covered in buildings - If your site is located in the River, Gully or Stormwater Constraint Overlays, the permitted site coverage is reduced to 40% |
How much of my section needs to be grass/garden, etc.? | - Impermeable surfaces on most sites must not exceed 60%. Note that different requirements apply for Cambridge North and St Kilda Structure Plan areas. - Most sites must have at least 20% of the site area set aside as landscaped space, which can include grass or plants. - If your site is in the River/Gully Overlay, the landscaped area must increase to at least 30%, and must be planted with native plants. |

How high can my building be?
The maximum building height is 11m. However, 50% of a roof can exceed the maximum height by 1.0m with a pitch of 15 degrees or more.
Height recession planes (daylight control demonstrating shading) also apply for rear and side boundaries. See the diagram below for clarification.
How close can I build to a road?
All road boundary setbacks are measured to the outermost part of the building.
Location | Setback |
State Highway (dwellings / sleepouts) | 7.5m |
Character streets | 6m |
Arterial roads | 4m |
All other roads | 1.5m |
How close can I build to side or rear boundaries?
All internal boundary setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Location | Setback |
Boundaries adjoining a reserve | 4m |
Boundaries adjoining sections of Te Awa Cycleway (Structure Plan Maps) | 5m |
Boundaries adjoining a Significant Natural Area (for two or more dwellings) | 20m |
All other side and rear boundaries | 1m |
Are outdoor living areas required? | Every dwelling is required to have an outdoor living space associated with it. The size of the required space is: - 20m2 (minimum dimension 4m) for dwellings that have a ground floor level - 8m2 (minimum dimension 1.8m) for dwellings that do not have a ground floor level |
Do outlook spaces apply? | Outlook spaces of the minimum dimensions set out below must be provided from the largest windows of all habitable rooms in a dwelling. - Principal living room = 4m x 4m - All other living rooms = 1m x 1m |
Are there any requirements for windows? | All street facing façades of proposed dwellings must have a minimum of 20% of the façade in glass. Any reserve facing façade of a proposed dwelling on sites which adjoin a reserve must have a minimum of 20% of the façade in glass. |
Are there any roof pitch requirements? | Any dwelling two or more stories high must have a roof pitch of at least 15 degree unless it is in a Character Cluster area.
The minimum roof pitch for two or more storied dwellings in Character Cluster areas is 30 degree. |
What should my fence look like? | Fences between buildings on the site and any road, public walkway or reserve shall: - be no higher than 1.2m if it can’t be seen through - no higher than 1.8m if it can be seen through. Refer to the definition of visually permeable for design requirements. If a fence or any other structure is higher than 1.8m, it is considered a building according to the District Plan. This means it must comply with building set back rules. |
Download your copy of the Medium Density Residential Zone building guidelines (PDF, 482KB
Residential zone
The Residential Zone rules in the District Plan aim to create safe, good quality residential environments and provide various housing options while managing impacts on neighbours and the surrounding environment.
What can I build on my section?
For a section less that 850m2 | Youcan have one dwelling |
For a section greater than 850m2 | You can have one primary and a secondary dwelling. The secondary dwelling must be 70m2 or less and must be attached to the primary dwelling. A garage is not considered a secondary dwelling. |
There are opportunities to provide additional housing on your section. | Get in touch with a planner or a planning consultant for information about the District Plan concerning infill housing and compact housing. |
How much of my section can I cover with buildings?
A maximum of 40% of the net site area may be covered with buildings. If a garage is not provided, then your total building area will be reduced by 20m2.
How much of my section needs to be grass/garden, etc.?
A minimum of 40% of the gross site area must be a permeable surface, ie. water absorbent. That could include grass, soil, planting or landscaping.

How high can my building be?
The maximum building height is 9m and buildings can be no more than two storeys. Height recessions (daylight control demonstrating shading) also apply. Please refer to District Plan Appendix O6 or see the diagram below.
How much of my section needs to be for outdoor living?
Your section needs to have a minimum continuous area of 60m2 as outdoor living. For the 60 m2:
- there must be minimum dimension of 5m across the entire area (as shown below)
- it must be free of driveways, vehicle manoeuvring areas, parking spaces and outdoor storage
- it can include decks and pergolas
- it must be directly accessible from a main living area of the dwelling
- is in the north, east or west of the site

How does the front of my building have to look?
- A garage must not take up more than 50% of the front of the building
- 15% glazing must be achieved on the front of a building that connects to a public place
- Solid fences between buildings on the section or any road, public walkway or reserve can be up to 1.2m in height (or 1.8m in height if it can be seen through).

How close can I build to a road
All road setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Location | Setback |
All dwellings (others below) | 4m |
A garage attached to the dwelling; or detached and forms part of the frontage, the garage shall be | 5m |
State highways | 7.5m |
Buildings (other than dwellings) greater than 250m2 | 25m |
How close can I build to side or rear boundaries?
Location | Setback |
All locations (other than below) provide that boundary may be | 2m
1.5m |
Some rear boundaries in parts of Karāpiro | 5m |
Note: there is a rule which states how long a building can be adjoining your neighbour. If the building you are designing is more than 23m in length (roof and wall), then please discuss with a Duty Planner.
Download your copy of the Residential Zone building guidelines (PDF, 308KB)
Rural zone
The Rural Zone rules in the District Plan aim to protect the rural land resource for productive use. Buildings must be designed, located, scaled and serviced to maintain the area’s character and productivity.
Any building should ensure all effects are contained within site boundaries to avoid impacting on neighbouring activities, like farming.
What can I build on my property?
Site size | Building coverage |
Less than one hectare | 10% of the site |
one hectare or more | 30% of the site |

How high can my building be?
The maximum building height is 12m. Height recessions (daylight control demonstrating shading) also apply. Please refer to District Plan Appendix O6 or see diagram below.
Please be aware that height restrictions may apply if the site is located within the approach, transitional, horizontal or conical surfaces of Hamilton Airport.
How close can I build to a road?
All road boundary setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Building type | Setback |
For all dwellings and buildings less than 100m2 or less | 15m |
For all other buildings (other than dwellings) 100m2 or more | 30m |
Dwellings and buildings adjacent to the Waikato Expressway | 35m |
Dwellings and buildings adjacent to a designated State Highway | 30m |
How close can I build to side or rear boundaries?
All internal boundary setbacks are measured to the outer most part of the building.
Buildings not for housing animals | Setback |
Dwellings (site over 1ha) | 15m |
Dwellings (site under 1 ha) | 10m |
Accessory buildings to dwellings less than or equal to 100m2 | 10m |
Buildings (other than dwellings) less than or equal to 250m2 | 15m |
Buildings (other than dwellings) greater than 250m2 | 25 |
Note: Buildings may be constructed up to any common boundary with an adjoining site that is in the same holding/ownership.
Buildings for housing animals – internal boundaries | Setback |
Sites 1.5ha or less, where the area for the confinement of animals is less than 50m2 | 15m |
Sites greater than 1.5ha and less than 3ha where the area for the confinement of animals is less than 50m2 | 25m |
Sites less than 3ha where the area for the confinement of animals is greater than 50m2 | 50m |
Sites less than 3ha where an area is used to house or enclose 3 pigs or more | 50m |
Sites greater than 3 ha | 50m |
From any boundary with a Marae Development Zone, Large Lot Residential Zone or Residential Zone | 100m |
Note: This includes any yard, feed lot, feed pad, loafing barn, milking and shearing sheds and stables but does not include paddocks. Also, keeping of pigs and poultry is subject to additional rules and requirements. The area used for the confinement of animals may be established up to any common boundary with an adjoining site which is in the same holding/ownership.
Download your copy of the Rural Zone building guidelines (PDF, 253KB)
What if my plans don’t match these guidelines?
If your building plans don’t comply with a rule in the Operative District Plan, you will need to either change your plans or apply for a resource consent. We are happy to discuss your plans, advise you on what needs to change, and explain the resource consent process.
Your resource consent must address the relevant objectives, policies and assessment criteria specific for the large lot residential zone, and your site’s location.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Waipā District Council to speak to our Duty Planner. For more information about the District Plan, visit the District Plan page or to apply for resource consent, visit the resource consent application page.