Heritage fund
Waipā has a rich cultural, historical and environmental heritage that is often maintained by the time and efforts of our community.
The Heritage Fund is designed to assist with the preservation and enhancement of our unique environmental, cultural, and historical heritage in the Waipā district. The fund is available to community members or groups working to safeguard our district's rich and diverse heritage.
The funding can be used to assist with physical works for heritage buildings, objects, natural vegetation, habitats, cultural or archaeological sites. The funds may also be used to assist with obtaining specialist advice where appropriate.
There are two contestable funding rounds each year closing 30 June and 30 December, where applicants can apply for grants from the Fund.
Heritage Fund now open!
Apply online takes you to an interactive PDF criteria/application guide and application form that you can fill out online and save as a PDF on your device and apply by attaching that file an email to info@waipadc.govt.nz.
Download application form and guide takes you to a non-interactive PDF file that you can print out, fill out manually and then mail in or drop off, or scan to info@waipadc.govt.nz.
When completed, please submit your application to: Waipā District Council:
- Via Post: Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840
- Via Email: info@waipadc.govt.nz
- Via Online: waipadc.govt.nz/heritagefund
Past funding recipients
2025 - round 24
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
St Andrew’s Anglican Church | Bell tower repair | $8,750 |
Alpha Hotel, Kihikihi | Electrical rewiring | $8,750 |
2024 - round 23
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Exterior painting | $2,500 |
Manaaki Whenua/Landcare Research | Bird monitoring on Pirongia | $10,000 |
Waikato Environment Centre t/a Go Eco | Possum population trend monitoring | $5,000 |
2024 - round 22
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
St John's Parish | Restoration of St Paul's Church stained glass windows | $20,000 |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Exterior painting | $2714 |
Pirongia Heritage & Info Centre | Exterior painting | $14,500 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Trailer to transport LRV around maunga | $6987 |
Waikato Diocesan Trust Board | Exterior repair and paint St Andrews Church | $14,500 |
Lectorium Rosicrucianum NZ Inc | Electrical rewiring of Karapiro Hostel | $10,000 |
2023 - round 21
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Flagpole painting and bird spike installation | $1985 |
Cambridge Resthaven Moon Springs | Interpretation panels at completed Moon Creek/ Ngā Puna Rerenga Wai Spring restoration site | $5420 |
2023 – round 20
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Kākāpō Translocation | $11,000 |
Predator Free Cambridge | Expand trapping locations | $4,530 |
NZ National Fieldays Society Inc. | Biodiversity Plan to restore gully system | $11,000 |
Regent Theatre | Repair Front Entrance canopy | $1,234 |
Kaniwhaniwha School | Exterior painting | $3,352 |
2022- round 19
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
St Johns Parish | Exterior Painting of St Pauls Church | $28,681 |
Rewi Maniapoto Memorial Committee Trust and Maniapoto ki Te Raki (MKTR) | Rewi Maniapoto Reserve - Kiosk History Board Project | $6924 |
Lakewood Body Corp | Heritage Interpretation Panels | $4345 |
Torchbearer Trust | Upgrade of Fire Security System for Monavale Homestead | $8760 |
2022 – round 18
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Society | Kōkako annual surveying | $20,000 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Kōkako translocation | $10,000 fund was withdrawn |
Valmai House | Roof and chimney restoration | $4,250 |
Kaniwhaniwha School | Electrical upgrade | $750 |
2021 - round 17
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Mātakitaki Pā | Story Boards and Signage | $8,000 |
Old Saint John’s Church | Exterior Painting | $17,000 |
Pirongia Play Centre | Installation of Security and Fire Alarm System | $910 |
Regent Theatre | Maintenance Work | $6,000 |
Davies Building | Maintenance Work | $3,000 |
2020 - round 16
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
The Ani Waata Whānau Trust | Mangeroa Gully Restoration Project | $20,000 |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Exterior painting of Heritage Clubroom Building | $23,000 |
National Wetland Trust of NZ | Creation of an ethnobotany trail at Rotopiko Reserve | $6,000 |
Predator Free Cambridge | Northern Maungatautari possum population trend monitoring. | $5,138.75 |
Alan Livingston | Publish Book on the History of the Te Pahu District | $5,000 |
Alan Kempthorne | Native planting of gully area | $3,500 |
Gerry Westenberg | Masonic Hotel Restoration | $7,000 |
Lectorium Rosicrucianum Karapiro Centre | Exterior painting of heritage buildings. | $46,000 |
2020 - round 15
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
Cambridge Museum | Photo negative archiving | $3,500 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Biosecurity Plan update | $20,000 |
Waikato River Care | Riparian planting | $13,500 |
St John’s Parish | Maintenance and security expenses for both Old St John’s, Te Awamutu, and St Paul’s, | $10,000 |
2019 - round 14
Applicant | Project | Grant Amount |
National Wetland Trust | Planting and pest traps | $6,500 |
Rotongata Dairies Ltd | Planting | $5,912 |
Hazel Wander | Memorial Rongoa Garden | $13,250 |
Harold Maniapoto | Restoration of cultural artworks and interpretive signage | $25,150 |
Parish of St John | Maintenance and security expenses for both Old St John’s, Te Awamutu, and St Paul’s, Hairini | $10,000 |
2019 - round 13
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Kakapo Fencing | $10,000.00 |
2018 - round 12
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Cambridge Rugby UnionClub | Gate restoration | $8,526.00 |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Spouting replacement | $3,135.00 |
Mangaohoi Streamcare | Planting | $1,765.37 |
Pirongia Kōkako Protection | Traps | $12,000.00 |
2018 - round 11
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Cambridge Rugby Union Club | Bronze WW1 plaque restoration | $1,368.50 |
Andy Hopkins | Weed control and plant assistance | $777 |
Gerry Westenberg | Masonic Hotel restoration | $6,000 |
2017 - round 10
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
J and H Smyth | Restoration of wetland area | $5,000 |
Vincent O' Malley / Bridget Williams Books | Writing of text for Land Wars book | $13,000 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Restoration plan for Maungatautari | $10,000 |
Cambridge Historical Society | Digitisation project - Waikato Independent newspaper | $5,000 |
2017 - round 9
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Waipa District Council | Pest control at Lake Ngāroto | $5,000 |
Mangaohoi Stream Care Group | Planting at Mangaohoi Stream | $1,515 |
John and Glenda Davis | Fencing of wetland area | $500 |
Pirongia Playcentre | Painting of historic building | $7,000 |
Anglican Parish of St Andrew | Earthquake restraint of pipe organ | $5,000 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Camping facilities | $2,000 |
Tyer Family Trust | Wetland restoration | $1,500 |
National Wetland Trust | Reintroduce pāteke/brown teal | $5,000 |
Rotongata Dairies | Lake Rotongata weed control | $5,000 |
Richard and Robyn Glenn | Native planting at Lake Milicich | $1,000 |
2016 - round 8
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Allan Webb | Regent Theatre neon sign restoration | $2,500 |
Rukuhia Farm | Restorative planting gully system at Mystery Creek | $1,500 |
Graham Sheldrick | Gowenbank House painting | $3,000 |
NZ Landcare Trust | Pest control Lake Milicich and Henderson Pond | $2,400 |
The Olde Creamery | Weather proofing | $4,000 |
Te Rore Hall Committee | Replace fencing and flagpole at memorial | $2,000 |
Rotongata Dairies | Restoration plan for Lake Rotongata | $2,500 |
Isobel Martinez | Kahikatea stand restoration plan | $2,500 |
Cambridge Bowling Club | Electrical upgrade of clubhouse building | $10,000 |
Pūniu River Care | Fencing for Wharekorino wetland enhancement project | $4,600 |
2016 - round 7
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Ian Brennan | Re-forest 25 hectares of hill country | $11,000 |
Massey University | Investigate habitat suitability at Maungatautari | $8,000 |
Maungatautari Hall Society | Replace roof | $13,000 |
Cambridge Repertory Society | Security camera, security lighting and interior lighting | $3,000 |
2015 - round 6
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
John Creek | Exterior painting | $5,000 |
Te Pahu Landcare Group | Weed control at Karamu and Kāniwhaniwha Reserves | $4,000 |
Bright Family Farm | Pine removal and weed control by Mangawawa Stream | $1,500 |
NZ Landcare Trust | Lake Ngāroto water quality | $22,455 |
Pūniu River Care | Native planting | $7,490 |
Anglican Parish of St Andrew | Parish hall lighting | $6,555 |
Regent Theatre Te Awamutu | Remedial work to exterior | $18,000 |
C and G Parton | Re-roof and replace rotten timber on Kāniwhaniwha School House | $5,000 |
2015 - round 5
No applications received for round 5.
2014 - round 4
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Regent Theatre Te Awamutu | Remedial work to 1930s neon sign | $750 |
Parish of Orākau | Pre-emptive work on Christ Church at Kihikihi | $3,000 |
NZ Landcare Trust | Installation of silt traps at Lake Ngāroto | $8,000 |
Lochiel Properties | Native planting at Lake Maratoto | $7,000 |
Waikato Regional Council | Restorative planting at Mangaotama wetland | $2,000 |
Cambridge Repertory Society | Replacement of theatre doors | $6,000 |
Parish of St John Te Awamutu | Replacement guttering at St Paul's Rangiaowhia | $1,626 |
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church | Earthquake strengthening | $3,000 |
Te Awamutu Little Theatre | Remedial work on building | $20,000 |
Narrows Park Ministry Trust | Waikato River boundary weed control | $500 |
Lake Rotopataka Hunters | Predator traps and willow control at Lake Rotopataka | $4,500 |
2014 - round 3
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Waipa District Council and DOC | Restoration work at Lake Rotopiko North | $3,000 |
Parish of St John Te Awamutu | Replace downpipes at St Paul's Rangiaowhia | $790 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | 18 kiwi transmitters | $5,334 |
Parish of St John Te Awamutu | Fire and burglary protection at St Paul's and St John's | $4,500 |
2013 - round 2
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Waipa District Council | Waterproofing of Leamington band rotunda | $2,000 |
St Andrew's Cambridge | Repaint church, parish hall and centre | $8,500 |
Peter Shaw | Traps and planting at Lake Ngāroto-iti | $8,000 |
Wayne Green | Weed spraying and gate installation at Lake Ruatuna | $3,000 |
G and HB Bester | Repair of deck at Jackson House, Kihikihi | $7,000 |
P and L Hulsdouw | Restoration at Valmai House | $1,500 |
2013 - round 1
Applicant | Project | Grant amount |
Casford | Remedial work on Rangiaowhia Teacher's House | $5,000 |
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust | Stoat trapping | $12,500 |
P and L Hulsdouw | Restoration work at Valmai House Gazebo | $10,000 |
Cambridge Repertory Society | Steelwork for verandah | $2,500 |
G and HB Bester | Remedial work on Jackson House, Kihikihi | $10,000 |