Public health
It’s our statutory responsibility to promote, protect and improve public health.
We have powers to investigate and resolve any conditions that are likely to be offensive or cause injury risk to health in our community. Our Environmental Health Officers in Te Awamutu and Cambridge routinely deal with issues like water quality, food quality, waste disposal, housing and vermin.
If you have a public health enquiry or complaint, please contact or phone 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723).
Annual business registration and inspection
There are business premises in the community, other than food premises, that have a potential to endanger the public health. These include hairdressers, shops, camping grounds, funeral directors, sale yards, and 'offensive trades' which include refuse collection, medical/sanitary disposal and wheelie rubbish bin services.
These businesses are subject to annual registration under the Health Act and are regularly inspected to ensure they comply with applicable legislative requirements.
Application for Health Premises Registration
Smoke nuisance
Fire and Emergency New Zealand is responsible for controlling fires in our area - but council has obligations under the Health Act 1956, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Waipā District Plan.
This is to make sure nobody suffers a nuisance from smoke or ash from fires. Abatement notices, infringement notices and prosecution can result regardless of whether a person has, or requires, a permit.
A well planned, managed and controlled fire, in the right conditions with your neighbours in mind will avoid the need for any enforcement action. Outdoor burning and air quality | Waikato Regional Council
If you see a fire emergency, call 111.
Unsanitary conditions
Conditions can exist in our community that risk health, or are offensive, and risk causing mental distress and sometimes physical illness. In some cases these conditions may exist to such an extent that immediate action for the removal of these conditions is necessary.
We prioritise requests for service of this kind by their urgency and investigate as soon as possible to identify, isolate, and control any nuisance conditions that may be in existence. Contact the council if you are concerned.
Methamphetamine contamination
Waipā District Council currently uses the New Zealand Standard NZS8510:2017 as the reference for methamphetamine investigations and remediation.
This standard applies appropriate controls on how testing is done, and by who, in addition to specifying acceptable limits of contamination.
Council can, where it believes contamination exists within a dwelling, issue cleansing orders requiring investigation, remediation and reporting of contamination.