3MS Of Cambridge Limited Partnership
3Ms of Cambridge Limited Partnership is seeking subdivision consent to subdivide four existing Records of Title into 242 residential lots and to provide sites for a school site, retirement village, community and commercial centre, recreation facilities, recreation reserves and stormwater network. The sites are located in the C2 Structure Plan area, the Deferred Residential zone and Rural zone. The application is a non-complying activity under the Waipa District Plan 2017.
The Decision has been appealed to the Environment Court.
Application documents
- Addendum to Application
- Application - Also includes Appendices A & B
- Application - Appendix C - 3MS and WDC correspondence
- Application - Appendix D - Engineering report
- Application - Appendix E - Tangata whenua statement and engagement report
- Application - Appendix F - Scheme plan
- Application - Appendix G - Integrated transport assessment
- Application - Appendix H - Urban design statement
- Application - Appendix I - 3MS response to WDC feedback
- Application - Appendix J - Letter from Te Awa Lifecare
Further information request
Notification decision
Council report
- Appendix 1 - Subdivision scheme plans
- Appendix 2 - Amendments to subdivision scheme plans
- Appendix 3 - Requests for further information and responses
- Appendix 4 - Submissions in opposition
- Appendix 5 - Written approvals
- Appendix 6 - Council's development engineering report
- Appendix 7 - Council's reserves report
- Appendix 8 - Council's urban design report
Applicant's statements of evidence
- Applicant - Legal submission - Lachlan Muldowney
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Drawings and maps referenced
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Liam McCaffrey (Engineering)
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Mark Apeldoorn (Traffic)
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Mark Apeldoorn (Traffic) - Supplementary
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Mark Chrisp (Planning)
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Mark Chrisp (Planning) - Supplementary
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Matthew Smith (Applicant)
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Matthew Smith (Applicant) - Supplementary
- Applicant - Statement of Evidence - Stuart Mackie (Urban design)
Submitter's statements of evidence
- Submitter - Legal and opening submissions - Phil Lang for multiple submitters
- Submitter - Statement of Evidence - David Phizacklea for multiple submitters (Planning)
- Submitter - Statement of Evidence - Jimmy Zhuang for Xiaofeng Jiang and Liping Yang (Urban design)
- Submitter - Statement of Evidence - Russell Baikie for Xiaofeng Jiang and Liping Yang (Planning)
Council's statements of evidence
- Council - Legal submission - Helen Atkins
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - Anna McElrea (Reserves planning)
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - Cameron Inder (Transportation)
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - John Miles (Property)
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - Mark Batchelor (Planning)
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - Matt Riley (Urban design)
- Council - Supplementary expert statement - Richard Bax (Engineering)
Hearing documentation
- Hearing schedule - 26 and 27 May 2021
- Submitter - Hearing presentation - Brough in association with Cambridge Cohousing Project Society
- Submitter - Hearing presentation - Jimmy Zhuang for Xiaofeng Jiang and Liping Yang
- Tabled evidence A - Helen Atkins speaking notes for Waipa District Council
- Tabled evidence B - Mark Batchelor summary of points for Waipa District Council