Medium density subdivision guide
Notification Preclusion (Rule
Controlled activity subdivision under rule will not be subject to Public or Limited Notification in the following circumstances:
- Subdivision associated with the construction and use of up to three units that fails to comply with one or more standards relating to:
(a) Height
(b) Height in relation to boundary
(c) Setbacks
(d) Site coverage
(e) Outdoor living space
(f) Outlook space
(g) Windows to street
(h) Landscaped area
- Subdivision is associated with the construction or use of four or more units that comply with all relevant subdivision performance standards (including (a) – (h) above) in the District Plan.
Public and Limited Notification
Public or Limited notification of all other subdivision will be assessed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with Section 95A and 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA).