Flood Mapping Terms and Conditions
Flood Map terms and conditions
Waipā District Council GIS Viewers are offered as a free service. Use of this service to retrieve information constitutes your awareness and agreement to the following conditions of use.
Conditions of Use:
- By using the viewer, you acknowledge and accept these Terms and Conditions.
- The preparation and provision of the information in the viewer has been made in good faith using Waikato Regional Council river flood data and Waipā District Council urban flood data. While all due care has been taken, Waipā District Council does not give any warranty regarding the availability, accuracy, completeness, currency or reliability of the information.
- Waipā District Council and its employees, while providing the information in good faith, accept no responsibility or liability for any error, omission, or inaccuracy of the information on the viewer and accept no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value to any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from use or reliance on the information.
- The use of the viewer is entirely at your risk and you waive and release Waipā District Council from any claims arising from the use of the viewer or the information provided by it.
- While the information has been quality controlled, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, the information should not be relied upon as the sole basis for the making of any decision in relation to potential flood risk.
- The viewer may be unavailable at times without notice due to maintenance.
- Waipā District Council reserves the right to change the content and/or presentation of any of the flood information contained in the viewer at its sole discretion, including these notes and terms and conditions.
- Waipā District Council has no direct control over the content of any externally linked data, or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is your responsibility to make your own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability, and correctness of the information contained in externally linked shapefiles. Links to external data does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any third-party mapping.
- The flood information shown does not necessarily reflect the greatest extent of flooding experienced in the past, or likely to be experienced in the future. The maps may be extended and updated as new information becomes available.
- While Waipā District Council has made best efforts to provide accurate information, we request that any suspected errors be reported to Waipā District Council.
- Boundary information is derived under license from LINZ Digital Cadastral Database (Crown Copyright Reserved).
- The information is derived from a variety of sources and may include intellectual property of third parties. Unless stated otherwise all intellectual property rights in, to and in respect of the information appearing in the viewer (including copyright, trademarks, trade names and logos) are and remain the property of either Waipā District Council or the third parties who have licensed their intellectual property to Waipā District Council. Information may only be used as permitted under the Copyright Act 1994.
The maps are available for viewing on our GIS website. We recommend using Google Chrome to view these online maps.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Flooding is an important yet complex topic. To help navigate flood waters, we’ve put together a helpful list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Need Further Assistance?
If you need help understanding these maps, contact a member of the Waipā District Council’s flood mapping team on 0800 924 723 or email info@waipadc.govt.nz.
Additional Flood Information relating to Waipā District is also available here: