Cambridge CBD watermain renewals
We are about to start our watermain renewal programme in some high-profile areas of Cambridge with Camex Civil (Camex). You may have seen some work happening around Taylor Street and Cambridge Middle School already. This work is a part of the $10.2m investment from the 2021/31 Long Term Plan in renewing our watermains across the district.
The works involve the installation of approximately 38 kilometres of watermain ranging in size from 50mm to 300mm in diameter and associated water connections, isolation valves, air valves, and chambers.
In April 2024, the work will begin to move closer to Cambridge's central business district (CBD). The start of this work will be around Queen, Lake and Kirkwood Streets, with more streets to follow.
We are proactively replacing these old pipes before they start failing, causing unplanned water outages and widespread impacts on businesses in the area. By doing the work now, as a planned programme of works, we'll be reducing the risk of things going wrong unexpectedly in the future.
We will be replacing the 250mm watermain in Victoria Street, and the surrounding streets. The watermain pipes date back to 1926, with the smaller mains around the centre of town dating between 1930-1940. Cambridge is the fastest growing town in the district. We are making sure the rapid growth will not exceed our ability to deliver water.
These works are part of our wider plan to future proof the district's water supply, once the works are complete, they should serve the community for around one hundred years.
About the works
Stage One - Queen Street, Cambridge.
22 March | Camex has visited neighbouring businesses to let them know that they will be setting up in the Bunnings compound and will start welding operations from the following week. |
25 - 28 March | Camex starts establishing compound at Bunnings, start welding pipe ‘strings’. Work beginning the following week will be communicated in person, with a letter, to affected businesses. |
2 - 5 April | Work starts on excavation of the entry and exit points for the pipes, between McDonalds and Z Service station. These will be backfilled and covered. There are areas where shoulder and footpath areas will need to be blocked off to get the work done safely. |
8 - 12 April | There will be open excavation on the roadside near the Z Service Station on the corner of Victoria Street and Queen Street, for about two days. This work will be completed under a shoulder closure. The entry and exit points for the service station will remain open at all times. Two-way traffic will be retained on Victoria Street and Queen Street. Roadside parking will not be restricted. The footpath will also remain open, however there may be a designated path to follow, to ensure pedestrians maintain a safe distance from the work site. Hours of work will be 7am – 7pm. |
15 - 19 April | Camex will be completing drilling works for Area 1, as shown on the map. This will be completed under shoulder closures. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times on Queen Street. The entry and exit points for businesses and services in the area will remain open during these works. The footpath will also remain open, however there may be a designated path to follow, to ensure pedestrians maintain a safe distance from the work site. Installation of pipe on Dick Street will be done under the existing traffic management that is in place for the construction of the Cambridge Pathway project. Hours of work will be 7am – 7pm. To minimise disruption, drilling works on Lake Street and Empire Street will be completed under nightworks, from 7pm to 6am. |
22 - 26 April | Installs and service locations. Establish compound in Victoria Square, along Dick Street. |
29 April - 3 May | Continue work in Queen Street and Dick Street. Tuesday 30 April - mark out services on Victoria, Duke and Alpha Streets. Wednesday 1 May - Open excavation outside the Z Service Station under shoulder closure - no restriction to access, please follow signage in place. Open excavation on Victoria Street, next to the bus stop (near the public toilets), under shoulder closure. No restriction to the bus stop or the pedestrian crossing. Some restrictions to the footpath, signage will be in place. Thursday 2 - Friday 3 May - Shoulder closure on Dick Street to install hydrants and lateral pipes. Some carparks will be unavailable intermittently throughout the day. The footpath will be restricted in some places - please follow signage. Friday 3 May - Lane closure on Lakewood Lane (next to McDonald's) between 7:30am and 5pm. |
6 - 10 May | Nightworks set to start in Victoria and Duke Street
Monday 6 to Wednesday 8 May - (7pm-5am) Victoria Street northbound lane closed from Alpha Street to Duke Street. Thursday 9 May - Victoria Street northbound lane closed from Alpha Street to Commerce Street. The Duke Street & Dick Street intersection will be open Monday to Thursday nights this week . This intersection will then be closed during the day, to complete works for the new boardwalk. Bryce Street, between Alpha & Duke, along with Upper & Lower Duke Streets remain closed for construction of the shared pathway. |
13 - 17 May | Nightworks continue in Victoria Street - northbound lane closed from Alpha Street to Commerce Street. Wednesday 15 - Thursday 16 - Alpha Street lane closure, hours of work will be 7pm – 6am. Friday May 17 - shoulder closures at the Queen Street roundabout between the Z Service Station and the public toilets in Victoria Square. Hours of work will be 7am – 7pm. |
20 - 24 May | Nightworks continue on Alpha, Duke, Dick and Victoria Streets. The hours of work will be 7pm – 6am. Queen Street - There will be shoulder closures at the Queen Street roundabout between the Z Service Station and the public toilets in Victoria Square. Hours of work will be 7am – 7pm. |
27 -29 May | Nightworks - Dick Street lane closure We will be closing one lane of Dick Street and the intersection of Dick and Duke Streets on Monday, 27 May and Wednesday, 29 May between 7pm - 4am. Residents will still have access to these areas. |
28 May | Water shutdown - Victoria Street Water will be turned off to some properties on Victoria Street, between Hamilton Road and Williams Street, on Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at 9pm for approximately 5 hours. |
29 May | Water shutdown - Dick Street Water will be turned off to some properties on Dick Street, between Duke and Alpha Streets on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 9.30pm for approximately 5 hours. |
4 June | Water will be turned off to some properties and businesses on Queen and Empire Streets and Lakewood Lane, on Tuesday, June 4, at 9pm for approximately 6 hours. See more about the shutdown here - |
5 June | Water will be turned off to some properties and businesses on Victoria, Lake, Empire and Queen Streets and Lakewood Lane, on Wednesday, June 5, at 9.30pm for approximately 6 hours. See more about the shutdown here - |
6 June | Water will be turned off to some properties and businesses on Victoria Street, on Thursday, June 6, at 9pm for approximately 6 hours. See more about the shutdown here - |
11 June | A section of Clare Street, between Bryce and Victoria Streets will be closed on Tuesday, 11 June, between 7pm and 4am, while essential work is completed as part of our ongoing watermain renewals project. |
12 June | Water will be turned off to some properties and businesses on Alpha Street on Wednesday, 12 June at 9.30pm for approximately 5 hours. |
12 June | Nightworks - Alpha Street A section of Alpha Street , between Victoria Street and Dick Street, including the northbound lane of the Alpha Street/Victoria Street roundabout will be closed on Wednesday, 12 June, between 7pm and 4am. The Alpha Street entrance to Hallys Lane will also be unavailable while Alpha Street is closed |
12 June | The intersection of Dick and Duke Streets will be closed on Wednesday, 12 June, from 7pm for approximately 4 hours, while essential work is completed as part of our going watermain renewals project. |
30 June | Final reinstatement completed |
More updates will be available in the coming weeks as the work progresses and dates are confirmed. These updates will be shared via letter, contractors will work with affected businesses - in person where possible - and all information will be shared on our website here.
What to expect
Camex will be working with businesses in the area to ensure there is minimal disruption. Businesses and residents will be kept informed as the project progresses.
To help minimise disruptions, we will be planning night works and small stretches of road closures. We are working with NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi to meet their needs for work around Queen Street/Victoria Street. There will also be some water shutdowns as part of this work, notice will be given to all those affected, with time to make other arrangements for water needs.
There will be some closures to accessways from time to time, but we will be sure to notify all impacted businesses before this happens and traffic management will be onsite to assist all those who need to safely access these areas during the work.

Water main renewal project - Cambridge Stage 1 area of works

Water main renewal project - Cambridge Stage 2 area of works
Frequently asked questions
What is happening in the main street of Cambridge?
The watermain renewal programme, outlined in the 2021-31 Long-Term Plan identifies old pipes that need to be proactively replaced before they start failing, causing unplanned water outages.
As part of our watermain renewal programme, we are replacing the existing watermain in Victoria Street, Cambridge. The pipes date back to 1926, with the smaller mains around the centre of town dated between 1930-40.
These works are part of our wider plan to future proof the district and once the works are complete, they should serve the community for around one hundred years.
How long are the works going to take?
The work is expected to be completed by the end of June, weather depending.
How will my business be impacted?
There will be entrance and exit holes dug for each of the pipe sections. The holes will be back filled and covered with a steel plate when not in use and resurfaced once the work there is complete. These holes will be located on the berm, however there are some areas on the road shoulder and footpaths.
We’ll be aiming to do the work on the roads and footpaths overnight so we can get the work done safely and with less impact on road users and pedestrians. These areas will be identified and communicated in person to affected businesses at least five business days prior to work taking place. Some of the footpath work will only have shallow holes and will be fenced off and covered to minimise any dirt being tracked into businesses.
During the work, some pipes will need to be laid close to the entry site to allow easy access to get the pipes into the ground. This means there will be times, no more than a couple of hours, when some entrances may be temporarily inaccessible. We are trying to minimise this though by doing nightworks to help lessen the impact during the day.
Connecting the new pipes to the water supply will be done at night to minimise disruption to businesses. Camex Civil will discuss best times to do this with businesses who are operational later than 6pm.
Won’t this work affect parking in the main street?
The majority of works in the town centre will be done at night. We’re doing the work like this to minimise disruptions to businesses, their staff and those shopping, eating or wandering around town.
Any roadside parking affected during night works will be reinstated for the next day.
There may be a time when a business’ water connection is being worked on, and this could result in a carpark or two being occupied so our crew can work on their connection to the water service. Our crews will only use up to three carparks in any one work area during the day.
What are you doing to look after the footpaths?
We will keep footpaths tidy and will sweep any loose dirt, to reduce any mess being tracked into businesses from the work sites.
Where we need to remove cobblestones from the footpath to access the watermains underground, these will be moved off-site during works, and reinstated at the completion of the project.
Why do you need to weld pipes in the park if you have the base at Bunnings?
The pipes are placed in the ground in ‘strings’ that have been welded together in 30 – 90m lengths. It is easier to transport the pipes before they are welded. Having a ‘proximity welding area’ in Victoria Square will be less disruptive to traffic when they are ready to go into the ground.
Fencing will be put up around the welding area, to keep the works and park users separate. The Cambridge Cricket Club have given their permission to use the area.
Will the fencing in Victoria Square cause issues with the trees?
The council arborist will work with Camex to ensure the temporary fencing is situated to protect the trees and their root systems from stress or damage.