Christie Avenue Wastewater Pump Station
Over the next decade, we're making major investments into core infrastructure like wastewater. This has been strongly signalled in recent 10-Year Plans. A budget of $2.0 million
To improve the district’s infrastructure, we're upgrading the Christie Avenue Wastewater Pump Station. This facility pumps wastewater from households in the second largest catchment in Te Awamutu through to the Te Awamutu Water Treatment Plant for processing.
What’s happening?
Works undertaken on the Christie Ave Wastewater Pump Station are due to commence on 5 October 2020, with a transformer being installed by Waipā Networks in December for the upcoming works.
The upgrade works include modifications to the existing pump station building including:
- Existing pumps replacement including two new wet submersible pumps.
- New internal pumping pipe works
- New electrical upgrade
- Structural floor support including new cover plates
- Crawl beam installation within the existing pump station
- Access door modification
- Odour control measures
- Roof replacement
- Exterior painting.
We will also installing new emergency storage tanks with an estimated storage volume of 270m3, new wastewater pipe lines and manholes within the designated boundary. To allow the installation of the new storage tanks will require bulk earthworks of approximately 500m3.
A new wastewater rising main with an external diameter of 315mm (approx. 500m in length), along the Christie Avenue - Mutu Street road corridor to connect to the existing wastewater rising main in Mangapiko Street is also in the schedule of works.
Upon completion of the pump station upgrade, contractors will reseal the right-of-way access and pedestrian footpath for residents.
Click here to read our frequently asked questions about Christie Ave Wastewater Pump Station.
Project updates
July 2022
Over the past five months, the works on the Wastewater Pump Station have been completed, and is now operational. The shared driveway and all affected residents' driveways have been resealed and reinstated.
This month our team planted trees to complete the landscaping works. The only remaining work is to improve the bird proofing around the gantry.
The upgrade is now complete and can cater to Te Awamutu’s increasing population.
February 2022
The works for Wastewater Pump Station is nearly complete with some outstanding minor reinstatement works to be completed and planting to be undertaken closer to winter – otherwise works have ceased on the Christie Ave site.
November 2021
Over the past month, much of the construction and electrical works inside the pump station have been completed.
In the upcoming weeks of November, we will be commissioning the new pumps, pouring concrete for the pump stations yard and reinstating the shared driveway with asphalt.
September 2021
Our site was closed in August due to the COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown, however at Level 3, our contractors were able to resume work once again in their work bubble according to government guidelines.
Over the past month, we've been working inside the wet-well, removing the concrete haunching at the bottom. This is extremely noisy work so we are very thankful to our nearby neighbours for their patience while we've undertaken this work. Since this photo was taken, we have finished removing the haunching and are now prepping for new concrete pours.
In October, we'll be preparing the floor and walls for new pipes and ducts, which will require some concrete cutting. Once this is complete, we'll get started on installing new stainless steel pipes.

We've been working deep inside the Christie Ave Wastewater Pump Station this month, removing the concrete haunching at the base of the wet-well.
July 2021
In July, contractors are removing the redundant wastewater pipe along Mutu Street following the installation of the new wastewater pipe. As part of this, traffic will be detoured along a one-way system, road closures and traffic which impacts Mutu, Mangapiko, Churchill and surrounding streets in Te Awamutu. More about the traffic management plan is available here.
April - June 2021
Over the past three months, we have been preparing for the internal construction works within the pump station building. This includes completing the roof, removing scaffolding and relining the wastewater pipe leading to the pump station to allow for wastewater to be over-pumped while interior construction is undertaken (see progress photo below).
In the coming months, we will be redirecting the wastewater pipe overland to allow access to the pump station, cutting the existing flooring and removing the concrete haunches at the base of the pump station. Heavy construction noise and vibration can be expected while this work takes place.

March 2021
Waipa Networks are installing a new transformer that will improve the power supply to residents of Christie Avenue and the pump station itself. We will also be using a specialist subcontractor to remove the pump station's existing roof panels safely due to asbestos materials identified during a routine inspection. This common material was used in a number of industrial and residential buildings of this age, so we are taking all measures possible to ensure these are handled with care and to dispose of the material in a safe way.
February 2021
Spartan have completed the grout and concrete pours and have started testing the storage tank for water-tightness. We are also looking at options for remedial works on the pipe that leads into the pump station to mitigate any future concerns.
January 2021
The roof slabs have now been lifted into place and Spartan are currently prepping for grout and concrete pours. Once complete, the emergency storage tank will be used as a temporary wet well and pump station while the old pump station is being upgraded.

December 2020
The reinforced concrete walls for the wastewater storage tanks have now been poured and contractors have started testing the tank. This is in preparation for the large pre-cast concrete roofing structures which will be delivered and installed in January.
November 2020
The second month of the Christie Ave Wastewater Pump Station upgrade project saw the rising main (pipeline) be installed along Christie Ave, and up Mutu Street to the bridge. We also poured the concrete floor of the large holding tank, with the new walls being poured early in December. Work is continuing at the Mutu street bridge, linking the new pipeline to Christie Avenue.
Concrete being poured into the walls of the new holding tank at Christie Avenue pump station.

October 2020
This month we began excavating for the large underground storage tank at the front of Christie Ave Pump Station (pictured behind in green). Great progress has been made, with the new pit lined in preparation for the new tank to be placed in December.

The Christie Avenue Wastewater Pump Station was built in the 1970s, and was initially built as a booster pump station. Minor upgrades have been previously undertaken however with Te Awamutu and surround growing population projections, it is essential that we upgrade the current infrastructure to cope with increasing demands.
In peak wet weather events, the pressure on the wastewater network increases and staff are currently required to manually switch between two pump station sites to manage wastewater flows. This is not the most efficient operation.
The upgrade has been identified as future requirement for a number of years, however it was brought forward in 2019 due to the timing of the Waikeria Wastewater pipeline project. Chrisie Ave Wastewater pump station requires an essential upgrade in order for the network to address increased capacity and efficiency requirements for our growing district.