Te Awamutu War Memorial Park Concept Plan
The final War Memorial Concept Planwas adopted by the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee on 1 June 2021.

New playground
The new playground at Te Awamutu’s War Memorial Park opened on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.
Te Awamutu and District Memorial Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association (RSA), mana whenua and the War Memorial Park maintenance working group worked alongside council staff and playground designer Brodiehailwood to help form the plan for the new playground.
Key features include a timber fort, slide, spinning dish, swing set, balance play, musical play, sensory play, puzzle, a play mound, and slide designed for young children, rest areas and a drinking fountain. A new connecting pathway for improved access will also be added, to connect with the Royal Air Force bridge and Pioneer track.
The $460,000 playground was budgeted for as part of the 2021 - 2031 Long Term Plan.
Bridge upgrades
We have installed four new bridges at the park, across the Mangaohoi Stream, at Shanel Place, the playground, and a bridge near the netball courts. The new footbridges will improve and re-establish pedestrian and cyclist access throughout the park.
The final part of the bridge upgrades is to install decorative panels on the bridges that have been designed in collaboration with mana whenua and the Te Awamutu Returned and Services Association (RSA). These are expected to be mid to late 2024.
The bridges are part of the wider plan for the park and also form important connections to the Pioneer Walkway, which runs from Te Ara Kihikihi to Te Awamutu College. This will also improve pedestrian, disability, mobility scooter, pushchairs and cycling access in the area and improve transport choices around town.
This work will reinstate the bridges crossing the Mangaohoi Stream, which commemorate the New Zealand Army (Papatūānuku), the Royal New Zealand Air Force (Ranginui) and the Royal New Zealand Navy (Tangaroa), and have been designed in collaboration with the Te Awamutu Returned and Services Association (RSA) and mana whenua.