Give us your feedback

Waipā District Council complaints process
While we strive to make sure we provide great service at all times, we understand that every so often, we might have done something that you didn’t like – so please, tell us about it so we can continue to improve on our service to you, our ratepayers.
When is it a formal complaint or is it a service request?
Are you wanting to make a noise complaint or do you want to report a pothole? To report a problem, simply call us on 0800 WAIPADC or email
If you are concerned over a lack of action, a decision we have made or the standard of service you have (or haven’t) received from our team, then you might make formal complaint.
How to make a formal complaint to Waipā District Council
To make a formal complaint, we'll need a few things from you. These include:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- A description of your complaint
- Any council reference numbers you have that relate to your complaint
- The names of any council staff you have been dealing with
- Any letters, photographs or emails that are relevant to the complaint.
We will use this information to process your complaint and get in contact with you about this. See our privacy statement for more information.
You can send this information to:
Call: Chat to our contact centre staff who can help you with the process – 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723)
Email: and add “complaint” to the subject line.
Write: Waipā District Council, Private Bag 2402, Te Awamutu 3840
Visit us: Please visit our front counter in Te Awamutu or Cambridge where our customer support staff can assist you.
Next steps:
We aim to notify you that we have received your complaint within two workings days. From here, we will investigate your complaint and speak to those involved. We aim to contact you with a response within 10 working days where possible. Some complaints take a little longer to sort out, so if that is the case, we will call you to update you as we go.
Still not happy?
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, we are happy to take another look at it. If would like us to review it again – please call us on 0800 WAIPADC (0800 924 723).
Still unresolved?
If all else fails and you aren’t happy with our response, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman who may be able to help.