Te Awamutu Water Supply - Taste and Odour Issues result of long hot su
to their residential water supply. The taste and smell is likely to be from the presence of algae in the source water. Council have yet to confirm if algae is present, and have taken samples of the water at the source and are awaiting the results. The water is suitable to drink, and complies with the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards. The potential to have algae present in the source water is high due to the low flows, warm temperatures, and the unusually long summer.
Water Services Manager at Waipa District Council Lorraine Kendrick has confirmed that this is temporary and the taste and odour will disappear once cooler weather and stream levels return to normal flows. We thank everyone for their patience and suggest to help improve the taste, place a jug of water in the fridge. The storm event over the weekend has increased the flows in the stream and if rain continues and algae is present it should be flushed through the system within the next week.
For further information contact
Wayne Green
Manager Community Relationships
Phone: 07 872 0096 or 027 293 8679
Email: wayne.green@waipadc.govt.nz