Notice of road closure: Ngāroto Road, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Road repairs will be done on Ngāroto Road, between SH3 and Paterangi Road from Monday, 24 March for approximately four weeks, weather permitting
Maadi Regatta parade
Events on roads
The Maadi Regatta parade is happening on Sunday, 23 March in the Cambridge CBD.
Water shutdown notice - Kihikihi Road, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Kihikihi Town Hall paint refresh
Parks & Reserves
Kihikihi’s Town Hall is in need of a little TLC! It’s time for a fresh coat. Starting on Friday, scaffolding will be going up as contractors repaint the walls, fascias and windows.
Bob's Landing closed
Parks & Reserves
Bob’s Landing will be closed Thursday and Friday while Waikato Regional Council does some spraying on Lake Karāpiro.
Notice of closure – Churchill Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Churchill Street, between Alexandra and Mahoe Streets, will be closed from 9am-12pm Saturday, 8 March, for road resealing work.
Events on roads - Head and Stokes Roads Bent Sprint
Events on roads
The Head and Stokes Roads Bent Sprint is happening on Sunday, 9 March.
Events on roads - Waipa Fun Run
Events on roads
The Waipa Fun Run event is happening on Sunday, 9 March.
Notice of closure: Victoria Street Bridge
Road works and closures
The high level bridge on Victoria Street will be closed for one hour tonight (Tuesday, March 4) from 9pm while contractors finish final repairs on the broken signage.
Notice of closure: Duke Street
Road works and closures
Duke Street, between Bryce and Wilson Street, will be closed from 7pm Friday, 28 February until midday Saturday, 1 March, for road resealing work.
Notice of works – Shakespeare Street, Leamington
Road works and closures
Interim asphalt repairs will be carried out between Fergusson Bridge (low-level bridge) and the Cook Street roundabout, on Wednesday, 5 March from 7pm to 6am.
Water shutdown notice - Fraser Street, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Notice of closure - Redoubt and Roche Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Cambridge Water Tower sampling
Parks & Reserves
Road Closure: SH39 Ngāhinapōuri
Road works and closures
SH39 Ngāhinapōuri between Meadway and Bell Road is closed due to a serious crash.
Notice of works - Dominion and Achilles Avenues, Cambridge
Road works and closures
There will be a shoulder closure and stop/go operations on Dominion and Achilles Avenues.
Notice of works - Albert and Lower Alpha Streets, Cambridge
Road works and closures
There will be a shoulder closure on Albert and Lower Alpha Streets.
Road closure: College Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Road Closed - Taylor Street
Road works and closures
Taylor Street is closed due to a vehicle incident between Grey and Victoria Street.
Spraying at Lake Ngā Roto
Parks & Reserves
Lake Ngā Roto, including the walking track, will be closed early on Monday until midday while we spray for willows and pampas. The spray is not harmful to any life in the lake.
Parakiwai Reserve basketball hoop
Parks & Reserves
The basketball hoop at Parakiwai Reserve in Hautapu as it was vandalised over the holiday period. We've taken it down to get it fixed, and will let you know when it's back in place.
Notice of Road Closure: Victoria Bridge
Road works and closures
Victoria Bridge will be closed Thursday, December 19 from 9pm to midnight.
Road closure notice: Byron Street
Road works and closures
Byron Street will be closed on Thursday, December 19 between Shakespeare and Burns Streets from 7am to 5pm while a section of the road is resealed.
Road Closure: Hall Street Cambridge
Road works and closures
Hall Street will be closed on Wednesday, December 18 between King and Williams Streets until 5pm while the road is resealed.
Victoria Sqaure tree removal
Parks & Reserves
A tree is being removed from Victoria Square this Sunday.
Road Closure - Cambridge Road
Road works and closures
Cambridge Road is closed between McLarnon Road and Cox Road
Footpath closure between Shanel Place and Mutu Street
Road works and closures
The footpath between Shanel Place and Mutu Street will be closed on Friday 29 - Saturday 30 November while the footpath is repaired.
Leamington dog park closed
Parks & Reserves
The new dog park at the old motorcross track on Rowling Place will be closed during the day from Monday to Wednesday while we give it a bit of a tidy up.
Road closure notice: Victoria Bridge, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Victoria Bridge will be closed Thursday, November 28 from 9pm to midnight.
Events on roads - Rotary Te Awamutu Christmas Parade
Events on roads
Events on roads - Cambridge Christmas Parade
Events on roads
The New World Cambridge Christmas Parade will be held on Sunday, December 1, 2024, from 12pm and 4pm.
Notice of Road Closure – Brady Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Brady Street will be closed Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 November, between 7am-6pm
Victoria Square tree maintenance
Parks & Reserves
Notice of Closure - Grace Avenue Cambridge
Road works and closures
Grace Avenue will be closed on Monday, November 25 from 7am to 6pm while our team complete resealing works.
Notice of Closure - Night works Wilson Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Wilson Street between Duke and Victoria Streets will be closed from 7pm to 6am on two nights, Sunday, November 24 and Monday, November 25.
Notice of Road Closure - Charles Edwards Street, Ōhaupō
Road works and closures
Charles Edwards Street is closed on Friday, November 22, from 9am to 6pm for resealing works.
Notice of Road Closure - Baffin Street Bridge, Pirongia
Road works and closures
Road Closure - Pokuru Factory Road
Road works and closures
Pokuru Factory Road is blocked between Alexander Road and Ray/Budden Roads by a fallen tree.
Notice of Road Closure - Duke Street Cambridge
Road works and closures
Duke Street will be closed between 7pm and 6am between Commerce Street and Fort Street.
Road closure - section of Hairini Road, Kihikihi
Road works and closures
A section of Hairini Road, between Atkinson Street and Puahue Road, is closed due to a crash.
Water shutdown - Gordon Place and Walpole Street
Water Works
Water shutdown - Curnow Place, Cowley Drive and De La Mare Drive
Water Works
Water shutdown - Shadbolt and De La Mare Drives
Water Works
Track Closure – Soldiers Track, Leamington
Parks & Reserves
Soldiers Track, which runs alongside the Waikato River in Cambridge, is temporarily closed to the public between Monday, 18 and Tuesday, 26 November while we carry out stormwater remedial works.
Notice of Road Closure - Pirongia Road
Road works and closures
Heads up Pirongia/Te Awamutu commuters! Police have closed Pirongia Road, between McClure Street and the intersection of Bowman and Mangapiko School Road, due to a crash early this morning.
Notice of alternative water supply - Te Tahi Water Treatment Plant
Water Works
We'll be switching to a backup water supply from the Frontier Road bore tomorrow from 9am to 5pm.
Notice of Road Closure - Hodgson Road, Te Pahu
Road works and closures
Heads up, Te Pahu! Hodgson Road will be closed for resealing between Te Pahu Road and Rosborough and Grey Roads intersection on Wednesday, November 13 from 7am to 6pm.
Median garden maintenance on Alan Livingston Drive
Road works and closures
Lamb Street and Silverwood Lane closures
Road works and closures
Attention Leamington commuters! You will need to plan ahead next week, as we've been advised of closures on Lamb Street and Silverwood Lane so Phoenix Civil can remove trees for Kotare Properties.
Water shutdown – Sandes and Great Burke Street, Ōhaupō
Water Works
Notice of Lane Closure - Raleigh Street, Leamington
Road works and closures
Events on roads - Te Awamutu Annual Craft Fair
Events on roads
The Te Awamutu Annual Craft Fair will be held at Selwyn Park on Gorst Avenue on Saturday, November 9, from 9am to 2pm.
Events on roads - The Great Kiwi Summer Festival
Events on roads
The Great Kiwi Summer Festival, Armistice in Cambridge and Illuminate Light and Sound are happening at the Mighty River Domain on November 9 and 10, 2024.
Event on roads - Te Awamutu Sports Cycling Hill Climb
Events on roads
The Te Awamutu Sports Club Annual Cycling Hill Climb event is happening on Friday, November 8 , from 6pm to 8pm.
Notice of Road Closure - Duke Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Duke Street, Cambridge is closed today, Thursday, October 31 until 2:45pm while we do maintenance work on the road.
Notice of Roadworks – Shakespeare Street, Leamington
Road works and closures
A lane and pedestrian diversion will be in place between 40 and 58 Shakespeare Street from Thursday, October 31 between 8am and 5pm weekdays, for up to three weeks.
Duke Street lane closure
Road works and closures
Duke Street between Anzac and Albert Streets will be down to one lane from 9am – 3pm, so our contractor can trim trees that are hanging over the road.
Water shutdown – Lamb and Carlyle Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to properties on Lamb and Carlyle Streets, on Thursday 31 October, between 9am and 3pm.
Water shutdown – Monarch Park Lane and Amelia Place, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to properties on Monarch Park Lane and Amelia Place, on Wednesday 30 October, between 9am and 3pm .
Events on roads - Targa Rally
Events on roads
The 2024 Targa Rally event will take place in Wharepapa South this weekend, on October 26 and 27.
Road closure - BMX NZ North Island Titles
Events on roads
The 2024 BMX New Zealand North Island Titles event is happening at the Cambridge BMX Club in Leamington this Saturday, October 26 and Sunday, October 27.
Water shutdown - Cambridge Road, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be turned off to properties around Cambridge Road, Tuesday, 22 October between 10am to 2pm while we connect the new Waipiko Landing subdivision to the town water supply on Cambridge Road.
Moana Roa Reserve
Parks & Reserves
NZTA will be starting work at Moana Roa Reserve this Wednesday to install an onshore well to test if they can supply enough water free from gold clams for their Cambridge to Piarere project.
Unplanned water outage – Te Awamutu
Water Works
A major watermain leak on Ōhaupō Road SH3, by the Mangapiko Stream bridge, is being investigated and is likely to take 2-3 days to repair.
Road closure - section of Te Rahu Rd, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Water shutdown - Lamb and Milton Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Event on roads: Karāpiro 100k Flyer
Events on roads
The Karāpiro 100k Flyer event is happening this Saturday, October 12, from 7am to 3:30pm.
Weed spraying at Cambridge Polo Grounds
Parks & Reserves
Keep your pooches off the polo grounds on Saturday morning, because the Cambridge Polo Club are spraying for prickles (Onehunga weed) and a type of dandelion (Cape weed).
Te Awamutu War Memorial Park tree pruning
Parks & Reserves
Our contractors will be pruning a tree in Te Awamutu War Memorial Park tomorrow along Mangahoe Street, from 8:30am to 3pm.
Notice of closure – Kaipaki Road, Cambridge
Road works and closures
A section of Kaipaki Road at the intersection of Cambridge Road will be closed on Thursday, October 3 between 9am and 4pm
Magpie nesting season is here!
Parks & Reserves
It’s magpie nesting season, and swooping reports are on the rise!
Weed spraying at Cambridge Park and St Kilda
Parks & Reserves
Tomorrow (24 September) morning our contractor will be spraying the weeds at Cambridge Park and St Kilda, targeting those pesky prickles (Onehunga weed) and a type of dandelion (Cape weed).
Notice of Road Closure – Kirkwood Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Kirkwood Street will be closed to traffic between Empire Street and Lake Street on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, while we resurface the road.
Road Closure – Mandeno Road, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
A tree has fallen blocking Mandeno Road between Cambridge and Rangiaowhia Roads in Te Awamutu.
Installation of exercise equipment at Pioneer Park
Parks & Reserves
Three pieces of exercise equipment will be installed at Te Awamutu’s Pioneer Park.
Road Closure - SH1 Waikato Expressway and Racecourse Road, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Racecourse Road will be closed between Peake and Cambridge Roads. Residents will have full access during the closure.
Tree planting at the Cambridge Library
This Saturday, September 14, we are planting a tree in the Cambridge Library carpark garden.
Tree work at Lake Te Koo Utu Cambridge
Parks & Reserves
Our contractor Treescape will be trimming and removing dead branches around the lake from 8am - 4pm, Monday, September 16 to Friday, September 20.
Lake Ngā Roto pothole repairs
Parks & Reserves
A section of the reserve and accessway has been coned off from the sailing club to the top carpark so we can fill in some potholes tomorrow.
Longfellow Street and Woodstock Crescent closures
Road works and closures
Leamington's Longfellow Street and Woodstock Crescent will be closed next week from Monday to Thursday, between 7am and 5pm, while our contractors upgrade the watermains.
War Memorial Park stream clean up
Parks & Reserves
Our contractors will be in Te Awamutu's War Memorial Park tomorrow clearing vegetation and logs.
Water Shutdown – Duke Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Duke Street, Cambridge, on Tuesday, 13 August from 10pm for approximately four hours.
Notification of works - Cambridge Road, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Cambridge Road at the intersection of Ngaki Drive will be under stop/go traffic management between 6am and 6:30pm weekdays, and 8am-4pm Saturdays.
Notice of closure -Herbert Street/Rolleston Street/Flat Road, Kihikihi
Road works and closures
A section of Herbert Street, Flat Road and Rolleston Street will be closed from Monday, August 5 for six weeks.
Urgent works - Bank and Vaile Streets, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Monday, August 5, between 9am and 3pm
Water shutdown – Thompson Street and Shelley Street
Water Works
Water shutdown – Thompson Street, Southey Street, and Mason Place
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Mason Place, Thompson Street, between Burns and Southey Street, and Southey Street, between Thompson and Browning Street Leamington.
Water shutdown - Burns Street, Dickens Place, and Alley Place
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Dickens Place, Alley Place, and Burns Street between Campbell and Browning Streets, Leamington, on Tuesday, 30 July between 9 am and 3 pm.
Notice of Closures – Cambridge CBD
Road works and closures
Water Shutdown – Shakespeare and Raleigh Streets, Cambridge
Water Works
Road Closure – College Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Lane closure - Kaipaki Road
Road works and closures
Kaipaki Road will be down to one lane in front of Kaipaki School on Thursday and Friday, from 9am – 3pm, while we remove a large tree.
Road closure and water shutdown King Street, Cambridge
Water Works
A burst water pipe has caused an unplanned water outage on King Street, between Hall and Grey Streets, Wilkinson Place and Morris Place.
Recycling Collection Delay
Public Notice
We are experiencing delays to our recycling service.
Notice of works - Mutu Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Notice of Water Shutdown - Ōhaupō
Water Works
Notice of Water Shutdown - Grey and King Streets, Cambridge
Water Works
Water shutdown - Bath Street, Cambridge
Water Works
A watermain on Bath Street needs to be lowered. To complete these works, we need to turn off the water supply to properties on Bath Street on Thursday, 27 June, between 8.30am – 12.30pm.
Notice of works - Racecourse Road, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Waipā Networks have a lane closure on Racecourse Road, between Mangapiko Street and Factory Road.
Notice of Closure - Victoria and Duke Streets, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Water Shutdown - Bath and Wilson St and Le Quesnoy Pl, Cambridge
Water Works
Notice of Lane Closure – Alpha & Victoria Street roundabout, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Notice of Water Shutdown – Victoria and Alpha Streets, Cambridge
Water Works
Notice of Lane Closure – Duke Street
Road works and closures
Notice of Water Shutdown – Victoria and Duke Streets, Cambridge
Water Works
Notice of Works - Achilles Avenue, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Stop/go operations will be in place on Karāpiro Stream Bridge on Achilles Avenue, Cambridge between 7pm and 6am from Tuesday, 18 June to Friday, 21 June, while a safety barrier is replaced.
Repair works - Hautapu Cemetery
We are upgrading the fence along the Hautapu Cemetery boundary on Victoria Road, with the replacement work starting on Monday, June 17.
Track Closure – Soldiers Track, Leamington
Parks & Reserves
Notice of Closure - Dick and Duke Streets, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Notice of Road Closure – Clare Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Notice of Works – Victoria Road, Hautapu
Road works and closures
Notice of Water Shutdown – Alpha Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Notice of Road Closure – Alpha Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Road closures - Fieldays event
Road works and closures
Fieldays will be held at Mystery Creek from Wednesday, June 12, to Saturday, June 15, 2024. During the event, some entranceways and roads will be temporarily closed at various times and locations.
Road closure - Thompson Street, Leamington
Road works and closures
A small section of Thompson Street will be closed at the intersection of Shakespeare Street on Monday and Tuesday from 7am to 8pm.
Notice of Works – Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Te Awa River Ride section closure on Maungatautari Road
Parks & Reserves
A small section of Te Awa River Ride on Maungatautari Road at the Lake Karāpiro end, will close for two weeks from Thursday to allow us to complete some planting.
Water Shutdown – Victoria Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Water Shutdown -Victoria, Lake, Empire & Queen Streets & Lakewood Lane
Water Works
Water Shutdown – Queen & Empire Streets & Lakewood Lane, Cambridge
Water Works
Notice of Lane Closure - Dick Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Notice of Works – Victoria Road, Hautapu
Road works and closures
Notice of Nightworks - Dick and Duke Streets
Road works and closures
As part of the watermain renewal project, we need to close one lane of Dick Street and the intersection of Dick and Duke Streets from Monday, 27 May to Wednesday, 29 May between 7pm - 4am.
Water Shutdown notice - Dick Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Dick Street, between Duke and Alpha Streets on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at 9.30pm for approximately 5 hours.
Water Shutdown notice - Victoria Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Track closure - Soliders Track, Leamington
Parks & Reserves
A section of Soldiers Track will be closed on Monday and Tuesday between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
Events on roads - Winter Series Cycling Event
Events on roads
Te Awamutu Cycling Club is hosting the Winter Series cycling event across the district from May to August 2024.
Planned Water Shutdown – Grey and Clare Streets
Water Works
Tuesday 21 May
Notice of works – Ingram Road, Rukuhia
Road works and closures
Ingram Road's stormwater improvement project will recommence during weekdays on Monday, May 20, between 6am - 5:30pm.
Notice of closure – Alpha Streets, Cambridge
Road works and closures
As part of the watermain renewal project, we need to close Alpha Street, on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May from 7pm to 6am. Detours will be in place.
Planned water shutdown - Thompson and Scott Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Thompson and Scott Streets on Thursday, May 16 , between 9am and 3pm while we complete maintenance work on your watermains.
Planned water shutdown - Raleigh and Scott Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Raleigh and Scott Streets on Thursday, May 16, between 9am and 3pm while we complete maintenance work on your watermains.
Planned water shutdown - Raleigh Street, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Raleigh Street on Wednesday, May 15, between 9am and 3pm while we complete maintenance work on your watermains.
New road layout – Victoria Road, Hautapu
Road works and closures
From Monday 13 May, there will be a new road layout on Victoria Road, Hautapu.
Raynes Road closed, between Airport and Ōhaupō Roads
Road works and closures
Raynes Road, between Airport Road (SH21) and Ōhaupō Road (SH3), is closed until further notice due to an accident.
Event on roads: Craig Goulsbro Memorial Handicap Cycle Race
Events on roads
The Craig Goulsbro Memorial Handicap Cycle Race is happening in Te Pahu this Sunday, May 5, from 6:30am to 4:30pm.
Notice of lane closure - Lakewood Lane, Cambridge
Road works and closures
As part of the watermain renewal project, we need to close one lane of Lakewood Lane, at the intersection of Queen Street, on Friday 3 May from 7.30am to 5.00pm.
Walton Street roading and toilet upgrades
Road works and closures
Work will start on Monday, 29 April to reconfigure Walton Street to become a one-way entry from Redoubt Street, improve pedestrian safety and upgrade the toilets.
Flying Fox at Pioneer Park taken down
Parks & Reserves
The flying fox at Pioneer Park has been taken down because one of the wires has broken.
Annual Leaf Fall Collection
Public Notice
Our annual leaf fall collection service begins Monday, 29 April, for parts of Te Awamutu, Cambridge and Kihikihi.
Conserve water use - Ōhaupō
Water Works
We are asking residents to conserve water use tonight and tomorrow morning due to a water leak at the Parallel Road Water Treatment Plant.
Notice of lane closure – Lake Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
As part of the watermain renewal project, we need to close one lane of Lake Street between Whitaker and Queen Streets, on Friday 19 April from 7am to 7pm.
Event road closure - Age Group Road National Championships
Road works and closures
The Age Group Road National and Para Cycling Championships are happening this weekend, from Friday, April 19 to Sunday, April 21.
Notice of Closure - Victoria Bridge, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Victoria Bridge, Cambridge will be closed to traffic on Friday, 19 April between 7pm and 9pm, while contractors use heavy machinery to re-adjust the gantry sign.
Planned Water Shutdown – Clare and Hall Streets and Ngaio Crescent
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Clare and Hall Streets, between Williams Street and Hamilton Road, on Wednesday, April 17, between 8:30am and 2pm.
Planned Water Shutdown – Vogel, Williams, Clare, and Hall Streets
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Vogel, Williams, Clare, and Hall Streets and Ngaio Crescent on Tuesday, April 16, between 8:30am and 2pm.
Planned Water Shutdown – Puniu Road, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Puniu Road, between Fairview and Pokuru Roads, on Wednesday, April 17, between 11am and 3pm, while we complete maintenance work on your water mains.
Planned Water Shutdown - Tennyson and Browning Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Tennyson and Browning Streets, on Thursday, April 18, 2024
Planned Water Shutdown – Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Carlyle and Thompson Streets and Hillard Place, on Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Planned Water Shutdown – Grey Street, Kihikihi
Water Works
Water will be turned off to five properties on Grey Street in Kihikihi, on Thursday, April 11, between 10am and 2pm while we complete maintenance work on your water mains.
Road works - Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
The eastbound lane of Alexandra Street will be closed between Paterangi Road and North Street, with one-way traffic flow from Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11, April, 2024.
Planned Water Shutdown – Campbell and Tennyson Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Campbell and Tennyson Streets, on Thursday, April 11, 2024
Planned Water Shutdown – Carlyle and Campbell Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Carlyle and Campbell Streets, on Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Cook Street tree removal
Public Notice
We will be removing a dying tree on Cook Street in Cambridge, across from Café 9, on Thursday. The works will be completed that day and will not impact traffic, pedestrians or the carpark.
Planned Water Shutdown – Carlyle and Raleigh Streets, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Carlyle and Raleigh Streets, on Thursday, April 4, 2024, between 10am and 2pm while we connect the new watermain.
Planned Water Shutdown –Grey, Clare and Williams Streets, Cambridge
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Grey, Clare, and Williams Streets, on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, between 8:30am and 2:30pm while we connect the new watermain.
Road Closure: KiwiRail works – Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Alexandra Street will be closed between Factory Road and Tawhaio Street from 6pm, Friday March 29 until Monday April 1, 2024.
Planned Water Shutdown - Tennyson St, Leamington
Water Works
Water will be turned off to some properties on Tennyson Street, on Thursday, March 27 2024 between 10am and 2pm while we connect the new watermain, as part of our renewal programme.
Unplanned water outage
Water Works
A watermain break has caused an unplanned water outage on King Street, between Grey and Hall Streets, and Wilkinson and Morris Places.
Shakespeare/Browning Streets single lane closure
Road works and closures
The single lane that connects Shakespeare Street and Browning Street will be closed tomorrow, March 27, between 9am and 3pm, outside of peak travel times.
Watermain renewal works - Cambridge residential
Water Works
As part of our watermains renewal project, Camex Civil, will be working in the Cambridge residential areas outlined below between Monday 25 and Thursday 28 March 2024.
Section of Lake Te Koo Utu track closed
Parks & Reserves
A section of the Lake Te Koo Utu track will be closed on Friday, between Lake Arm and George Clark tracks, while we remove the remainder of a tree that fell down a few weeks ago.
Unplanned water shutdown - Herbert street
Water Works
Water will be turned off for some properties on Herbert Street on Monday, March 19 2024 from 11am for approximately an hour.
Water shutdown - Thorncombe and McNair Rds and Lotus Pl, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be turned off to properties on Thorncombe and McNair Roads and Lotus Place, Tuesday, 19 and Wednesday, 20 March 2024 from 8:30am for approx. 6 hours to connect to the new watermain.
Bob's Landing closed 19 - 20 March
Parks & Reserves
Bob's landing will be closed from Tuesday 19 to Wednesday 20 March while spraying is carried out on Lake Karapiro.
Notice of State Highway works - Rukuhia Road, Ōhaupō
Road works and closures
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi will be undertaking road resurfacing works on SH3 near Rukuhia Road, overnight on Tuesday 19 March to Thursday 21 March 2024.
Notice of works - Albert Street, Cambridge wastewater pump station.
Road works and closures
We're carrying out remedial work to the Albert Street, Cambridge wastewater pump station.
Willow spraying will be carried out Thursday March 13 at Lake Ngā Roto
Parks & Reserves
Lamb Street tree removal
Public Notice
An old English Oak tree on Lamb Street is being removed tomorrow and on Thursday.
Water shutdown - Cambridge, Thorncombe, McNair Roads and Lotus Place
Water Works
Water will be turned off to properties on Cambridge, Thorncombe, McNair Roads and Lotus Place, on Thursday, 14 March 2024 from 8:30am for approximately 6 hours while we connect the new watermain.
Water shutdown notice – Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be turned off to the following streets from Wednesday, 13 March 2024 from 8:30am for approximately 6 hours while we connect the new watermain.
Water Shutdown - Baffin Road
Water Works
On Thursday 7th March, water will be turned off at 9am for approximately four hours.
Bridge Closure - watermain repairs Baffin Road bridge, Pirongia
Road works and closures
Baffin Road bridge will be closed from 9am to approximately 2pm, Thursday, 7 March 2024, to fix a water leak. Baffin Street, between the bridge and Franklin Street will be open to residents only.
Notice of works – Haultain Street, Kihikihi
Road works and closures
We're upgrading the road and stormwater infrastructure on Haultain Street, Kihikihi from Monday, 11 March – Monday, 1 July 2024. Hours of work will be 7.30am – 6pm on weekdays.
Water shutdown - Tennyson and Frame Streets, Leamington
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Tennyson Street, Leamington, on Wednesday, March 6, between 10am – 2pm.
Watermain Renewal Works - Grey and Clare Streets, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Camex Civil will be working along Grey and Clare Streets, between 7:30am and 6pm, Monday 4 March – Friday 8 March 2024.
Southbound lane closure: SH3 between Benson and Bond Rds
Road works and closures
The southbound lane of SH3 (Ōhaupō Rd, Te Awamutu) between Benson and Bond Roads will be closed with a detour in place from 7am – 6pm on Friday, March 8.
Event road closure: Waipā Fun Run, March 3
Road works and closures
The Waipā Fun Run event will take place on Sunday, March 3, 2024. The following roads will be temporarily closed to vehicle traffic between 6am and 12:30pm on Sunday, March 3, 2024.
Cambridge Rd, Te Awamutu closed between Cox and Long Rds
Road works and closures
Estimated opening 6pm
King Street road closure
Road works and closures
A gas line has been struck and King Street, between Grey and Victoria Streets, has been closed until further notice.
Waipuke Park closure - tree removal
Parks & Reserves
Waipuke Park will be closed on Monday, March 4 from 8:30am to 4:30pm, so our contractors can safely remove a dead tree in the driveway area, near the entrance.
Road Closure - Forkert Road, Ōhaupō
Road works and closures
Forkert Road will be closed between State Highway 3 (SH3) and Ngāhinapōuri Road from 8am to 6pm on Sunday, February 18 as Higgins undertake works along the rail crossing.
Water Shutdown Notice – Hazelmere Cr, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be shutdown on Hazelmere Crescent, Thursday, February 15 at 9am for approximately 30 minutes.
Emergency Water shutdown Puniu Road, Te Awamutu
Water Works
Water will be off for approx. 1 hour
Water shutdown - Picquet Hill Road, Te Awamutu
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Picquet Hill Road, Te Awamutu, on Tuesday, February 13, between 8:30am – 2:30pm.
Notice of works – Relining wastewater underground pipes, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Road Works: Armstrong Avenue, Rutherford Road and Bank Street, Te Awamutu starting Wednesday, January 17, 2024, to 1 February 2024 .
Tree works on corner of Victoria and Alpha Street, Cambridge
Public Notice
Our contractor Treescape are removing dead branches from a tree on the corner of Alpha and Victoria Street. This work will start tomorrow and possibly will continue on Friday.
Notice of works - Manhole maintenance
Road works and closures
Notice of works - Bank Street and Armstrong Avenue, Te Awamutu from Monday, January 8 to Friday, January 19, 2024, between 7am and 6pm.
Road Works: Te Awamutu January 8, 2024
Road works and closures
Road Works: Cambridge Road, Picquet Hill Road and Thorncombe Road, Te Awamutu starting Monday, January 8, 2024, to April 2024.
Victoria Bridge, Cambridge overnight closure
Road works and closures
Victoria Bridge in Cambridge will be closed to traffic overnight from 7pm on Sunday 17 December to 6am on Monday 18 December while contractors finish the last steps of the bridge upgrade project.
Road Closure - Hazelmere Crescent and Raikes Avenue
Road works and closures
Hazelmere Cres will have a lane closure with one-way traffic flow from Monday 4 to Wednesday 6 December as part of the watermains renewal project.
Robinson Rd closure due to tomo
Road works and closures
A section of Robinson Road, Rotoorangi, as deep drainage works begin to repair the culvert.
Te Awamutu and Cambridge Christmas Parades
Public Notice
The Te Awamutu and Cambridge Christmas Parades are on this Sunday 3 December
Cambridge public dump station temporarily closed
Public Notice
The Cambridge public dump station is temporarily out of use while we do site works for the new EV bus charging station and park.
Weed spraying on Cambridge polo grounds
Parks & Reserves
The Cambridge Polo Club is weed spraying their grounds on Lamb Street on Thursday morning.
Sam Lewis track at Lake Te Koo Utu closed for routine tree maintenance
Parks & Reserves
The Sam Lewis track at Lake Te Koo Utu will be closed for routine tree maintenance between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm on Thursday and 8.30am and 1pm on Friday.
Water shutdown - Hazelmere Crescent and Spindley Street
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 November for essential maintenance works.
Full Annual Reseal Programme 2023-2024
Road works and closures
Roads scheduled for resealing in the 2023-2024 programme.
Stop go traffic management on Thornton Road
Road works and closures
Rubber speed cushions are being installed on Thornton Road, Cambridge
One way traffic management on Raikes Avenue
Road works and closures
One way traffic management on Raikes Avenue (between Hazelmere Crescent and Swarbrick Drive)
Greenhill Drive - SH3 Intersection Remedial Works
Road works and closures
Work will begin Friday, November 10, on additional remedial works on the intersection of Greenhill Drive and SH3 (Ōhaupō Road).
Ngā Roto health warning
Parks & Reserves
A health warning has been issued by Te Whatu Ora Waikato for Lake Ngā Roto due to a significant rise in cyanobacteria levels.
Water Shutdown - Addison Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Water will be turned off on Addison Street, between Shakespeare Street to Bronte Place, Thursday, November 2, from 8:30am
Water shutdown in Kihikihi
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown, to connect the new water main, affecting all Kihikihi, on Wednesday, November 8, from 10pm – 2am
Water shutdown on Hall/Grey Streets
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Hall / Grey Street, Kihikihi, on Thursday, November 2, from 10am – 2pm.
Masonic Hotel - Service lane closure
Road works and closures
The service lane off Duke Street Cambridge will be closed to the public from Monday, November 6, or Tuesday, November 7, for up to two weeks to allow for works on the Masonic Hotel.
Road closure Anderson Rd, Ngāhinapōuri
Road works and closures
Waipā Networks are replacing poles and crossarms in multiple locations on Anderson Road from Bell Road to Oakshott Road on Thursday, December 7 2023.
Roadworks on Te Mawhai Road
Road works and closures
Downer NZ will be undertaking road rehabilitation work on Te Mawhai Road starting on Thursday, October 26 2023 for approximately six weeks (weather permitting).
Stop/Go works Alexandra Street
Road works and closures
Our contractors, Camex Civil, will be closing off an old water main on Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu, on Tuesday, October 24 2023.
Water shutdown Whitaker Street, Kihikihi
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Whitaker Street, Kihikihi, on Thursday, October 26, from 10am – 2pm.
Water shutdown Oliver/Grey Street Kihikihi
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Oliver Street and Grey Street, Kihikihi, on Wednesday, October 25, from 10am – 2pm.
Water shutdown Oliver and Bryce Streets Kihikihi
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Oliver Street and Bryce Street, Kihikihi, on Tuesday, October 24, from 10am – 2pm.
Terry Came Dr playground - water fountain out of order
Parks & Reserves
The water fountain at the Terry Came Drive playground isn't working, but the developer is working to get it fixed.
Tree removal on Thompson Street
Road works and closures
A section of Thompson St in Leamington will be closed between Scott St and Tennyson St from Wednesday, 1 November to Thursday, 2 November while our contractors remove a hazardous tree.
Tree removal at Lakewood Lane
Parks & Reserves
Our contractor Treescape is removing a dying gum tree from behind Lakewood Lane on Thursday 26 October.
Tree removal at Lake Te Koo Utu Playground
Parks & Reserves
Our contractor Treescape is removing a dying gum tree at the Lake Te Koo Utu playgrounds on Friday 27 October.
Online payment system down
Public Notice
We're currently experiencing technical difficulties on our website with the online payment system.
Tree removal on Karāpiro's Maungatautari Road, 2–13 October
Road works and closures
A section of Maungatautari Road, just south of Mighty River Domain and near the Brooklyn Water Ski Club, will have stop/go traffic management in place from Monday, October 2 to Friday, October 13.
Water Shutdown Thompson Street and Alley Place
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Thursday 28 September, while we install a new water supply pipe connecting Thompson Street to the new Vaile Court driveway.
Ongoing water works surrounding Hazelmere Cres
Water Works
There will be ongoing waterworks on Hazelmere Crescent, Spinley Street, Mandeno Street and Raikes Avenue from Monday, 25 September until mid December.
Planned Water Outage - Whitaker & Sheehan Streets
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Sheehan Street and Whitaker Street, Kihikihi, on Tuesday, 26 September, from 10am – 2pm.
Upper Kingsley Reserve Track closure
Parks & Reserves
Upper Kingsley Reserve Track closure will be closed for tree maintenance work Friday 15 September.
Road rebuild SH1 Karāpiro
Road works and closures
Water shutdown on Whitmore and Whitaker Streets
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Whitmore Street and Whitaker Street, Kihikihi, on 21 September from 10am – 2pm.
Water works Thompson Street
Water Works
A new water main pipe will be installed across Thompson Street for the new entrance and driveaway for Vaile Court on 18 and 19 September, weather permitting.
Oil Spill - Corner Alexandra St & Goodfellow St, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Due to an oil spill on the corner of Alexandra and Goodfellow Streets, there is a temporary 30km/h speed limit in place.
CANCELLED: Water shutdown - Whitmore Street
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shut off to properties on Whitmore Street on 14 September from 10am to 2pm while we complete essential maintenance work on water mains.
Keeley’s Reserve is now open
Parks & Reserves
Keeley’s Reserve, Cambridge on SH1 will be closed from 11 September for nine weeks while Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency complete works on a turnaround bay.
No charges for Victoria Park and Selwyn Park Showers
Public Notice
The Victoria Park Showers, Cambridge and Selwyn Park Showers, Te Awamutu are going through the process to remove the paid token process so they are free.
Hallys Lane public toilets temporary closed
Public Notice
Hallys Lane public toilets are temporary closed due to water works. We expect the works to be completed by Monday 11 September.
Planned power outage - i-Site toilets Te Awamutu
Public Notice
Waipā Networks will be turning off the power for routine maintenance work at the i-Site toilets in Te Awamutu between 10pm, Sunday 3 September and 5:30am, Monday 4 September 2023.
Water Shutdown – Ossie James Drive
Water Works
There will be a water shutdown on Tuesday 5 September on Ossie James Drive and some surrounding areas to complete urgent maintenance.
Ongoing backflow testing
Public Notice
Over the next year, contractors may knock on your door to ask to turn off your water supply to test backflow.
Water shutdown – Ballance / Leslie Streets
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shut off to properties on Ballance and Leslie Streets on 22 August from 10am to 2pm while we complete essential testing.
Water shutdown – Wells Place
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shutdown to properties on Wells Place on 17 August between 10am to 2pm for approximately 30 minutes while we complete essential maintenance.
Water shutdown - Ballance Street
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shut off to properties on Ballance Street on 16 August from 10am to 2pm while we complete essential maintenance work on water mains.
Water shutdown - Walmsley Street
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shut off to properties on Walmsley Street in Kihikihi on 15 August from 10am to 2pm while we complete essential maintenance work on water mains.
Water works – Sewell Place, Leamington
Water Works
Urgent water renewal works will be completed at Sewell Place, Leamington, from Monday 14 August, lasting approximately 3 weeks.
Planned water outage on Haultain Street
Water Works
Water outage on Haultain Street on Wednesday 9 August 2023 from 10am for approx. 4 hours.
Water works in Kihikihi
Water Works
We will be undertaking water works in Kihikihi from 7 August 2023 for approximately the next two months.
Turnaround on SH1 and Hydro Road complete
Road works and closures
The works by Waka Kotahi on a new turnaround at the intersection of SH1 and Hydro Road, as part of the SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Safety Improvements, are running ahead of schedule and are now complete.
Water shutdown – Grosvenor Street, Cambridge
Water Works
Water will be shutoff to properties on Thursday 27 July on Grosvenor Street.
Water works on Bath Street
Water Works
Water works on Bath Street will begin on 26 July 2023 from 7:30am - 5pm and are estimated to finish by 30 August.
Water works on Norfolk Drive
Water Works
Water works on Norfolk Drive are due to begin on Tuesday 18 July 2023 from 7am – 6pm and are estimated to finish by 8 August.
Rukuhia Road Closure
Road works and closures
Rukuhia Road closure on Sunday 16 July from 6am - 6pm.
Princess Street, Te Awamutu- One-way traffic management
Road works and closures
There will be a one-way detour on Princess Street in Te Awamutu from Monday 10 July until Wednesday 12 July, to facilitate excavation works.
Works intersection Taylor Ave and Greenhill Dr, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Taylor Avenue in Te Awamutu will be closed at one end and traffic will not be able to turn on to Taylor Avenue from Greenhill Drive.
ROAD CLOSURE: George Street, Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
ROAD CLOSURE: George Street, Te Awamutu
Water Shutdown: Karapiro Water Treatment Plant
Water Works
Maintenance work will be carried out on the Karapiro Water Treatment Plant on Thursday 29 June.
POSTPONED: Robinson and Watkins Roadworks
Road works and closures
The planned roadworks on Robinson and Watkins Road between Taylor Street and Tulip Drive has been postponed due to weather and are expected to be completed Friday 30 June.
Ongoing works at the Hautapu Cemetery entrance
Public Notice
The Hautapu Cemetery in Cambridge is getting a new entrance located on Hannon Road.
Hallys Lane public toilets temporary closed
Public Notice
Hallys Lane public toilets are temporary closed due to a water leak.
Hornwort Control at Lake Karāpiro June 2023
Public Notice
Helicopter and boat based weed spraying will be carried out by LINZ on Lake Karāpiro from Tuesday 20 June and may continue until Friday 30 June.
Works SH3 Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Ōhaupō Road/Mutu Street intersection will be temporarily closed on Monday 19 June from 6am to 7pm and Tuesday 20 June until the end of the day, while we complete essential road maintenance.
Ongoing works on the Anzac Street pedestrian stairway
Public Notice
Work is being underway to repair the Anzac Street pedestrian stairway connecting Anzac and Queen Street in Cambridge.
Crop Spraying Hooker Road
Public Notice
Crop spraying will be carried out on Monday 12 June at the Hooker Road section.
Ongoing Works SH1 and Hydro Road
Road works and closures
At the intersection of SH1 and Hydro Road, Waka Kotahi will be starting works on a new turnaround bay, as part of the SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Safety Improvements.
Water works 6-9 June
Water Works
Ongoing Works SH3 Te Awamutu
Road works and closures
Water shut down - 1 June
Water Works
Water shutdown on 30 May postponed
Water Works
Cambridge skatepark handrail replaced
Parks & Reserves
Taylor St road closure
Road works and closures
Taylor St between Robinson and Stafford St will remain closed tomorrow (Friday 25 May).
Water shutdown - Sewell Place & Burns Street
Water Works
Water will be temporarily shut-off to properties on Sewell Place and some on Burns Street on Tuesday 23 from 10am - 2pm.
Rewi Maniapoto Reserve playground equipment
Parks & Reserves
POSTPONED: Water shutdown - Maungatautari
Water Works
The planned water shutdown for Maungatautari (including Karapiro Domain) is postponed for a week until Wednesday 14 June.
Water shutdown - Cambridge
Water Works
Water shutdown - Princes St, Grosvenor St, Williams St, Kingsley St
Water Works
Water will be shutoff to some properties on Princes St, Grosvenor St, Williams St and Kingsley St.
Ngāhinapōuri Road closure
Road works and closures
Ngāhinapōuri Road will be closed between Gillard Road and McGregor Road from Monday 8 May to Friday 26 May for roadworks.
Water shutdown - Leamington
Water Works
Water will be shutoff to some properties on Thursday 4 May on Sheridan Crescent, Chesterton Drive, Priestly Place and part of Kingsley Street while we connect a new water main.
Water shutdown - Bowen and King Street
Water Works
Water will be turned off on Bowen and King Street on Tuesday 2 May from 8:30am - 12:30pm to enable connection of a new water main.
Annual Leaf Collection
Public Notice
Our annual lead collection service begins Monday 1 May for parts of Te Awamutu, Cambridge and Kihikihi. All affected properties have been sent a letter with more information and the weekly schedule.
Te Awamutu skatepark closed for sealing
Parks & Reserves
The Te Awamutu skatepark will be closed all day on Wednesday 26 April while we apply sealer.
Crop spraying & arborist works, Te Awa River Ride
Parks & Reserves
Crop spraying closure: 27 April, 7am – 4pm between Hooker Road and Velodrome and arborist work NO closure: 28 April to 10 May.
Road Closure: Williams Street, Cambridge
Road works and closures
Cambridge water mains maintenance
Water Works
Leamington watermains maintenance
Water Works
Temporary water shutdown
Cambridge maintenance work on water mains
Water Works
Water will be turned off on Taylor Street, Cambridge on Wednesday 5 April from 10:30am for approximately 4 hours. This is required to complete maintenance work on water mains.
Groundwater drilling at Rotopiko
Parks & Reserves
Waikato Regional Council will be installing groundwater monitoring wells at Lake Rotopiko. The wells are to monitor water quality around the lake surroundings.
Tree works - top walking track of Lake Te Koo Utu
Parks & Reserves
NZTA road works: 6 - 31 March, SH39 in Pirongia
Road works and closures
Council has been advised that Waka Kotahi – NZTA road works that were due to start on SH39 in Pirongia on 27 February will now begin on 6 March, due to recent wet weather.
Tree Removal - Victoria Steet, Cambridge
Public Notice
Hazardous Trees - Cambridge Racquets Club
Public Notice
There are two gum trees behind the Cambridge Racquets Club on Thornton Road that have moved and are hazardous.
Recycling Collection Delay
Public Notice
Residents who have (or will) miss glass collections today (Monday) or tomorrow (Tuesday) because of the weather,
Minor resurfacing works Cook Street
Road works and closures
Minor resurfacing works will be undertaken in Cook Street
Crop spraying Te Awa cycleway - Hooker Rd section
Parks & Reserves
Crop spraying will be carried out Monday 14 November, at the Hooker Road section of the Te Awa River Ride cycleway.
Delays to recycling services
Public Notice
Recycling services continue to be delayed and a number of routes are days behind.
Full Annual Reseal Programme 2022-2023
Road works and closures
Dates for when works are due to be carried out to follow.
Water Fluoridation Update
Public Notice
On 27 July 2022 Council has been advised by the Ministry of Health it must add fluoride to the Cambridge water supply. This is NOT a council decision.
Toilet block Shakespeare St Leamington closed for 6 weeks