Social media terms of use
Waipā District Council's social media pages are designed to inform our community of the business of Waipā District Council. They will keep you updated on decisions made by Council and provide general information on Council activities and services that may impact your daily life while living and working in Waipā. They are also a channel for promoting events and in some cases, seeking the thoughts and ideas in our community.
Once comments are posted, Waipā District Council reserves the right to hide posts and comments, delete or ban users for comments, messages, images or links that contain.
- offensive language;
- personal attacks of any kind;
- improper comments that target any group or individual based on their ethnicity, race, gender, religion, faith or sexual preference;
- spam, including repeated posts/messages or marketing content;
- infringe on copyrights or trademarks;
- misinformation;
- any other material we deem to be inappropriate;
- 'trolling' - a term used for a person who purposefully attempts to aggravate, blame or direct abuse to get a response from you in order to inflame a situation further.
- Stay on topic: Comments should be relevant to the post and contribute constructively to the discussion. We reserve the right to remove comments or turn off commenting on posts that are off-topic.