Waipā’s back at Level 2
Waikato moves back to Level 2 as of 11.59pm tonight and with it, a number of Waipā District Council facilities able to receive more visitors under Alert Level 2 restrictions with physical distancing, maximum visitor numbers, face coverings required and contact tracing measures still in place.
Residents are reminded to adhere to strict physical distancing and are encouraged to wash their hands before and after using any public exercise or playground equipment.
No more than 50 people will be allowed in the Te Awamutu Library and 30 in the Cambridge Library for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time, and no more than 20 people in the Te Awamutu Museum for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Waipā Mayor Jim Mylchreest reminded residents there are still nine active COVID cases in the district so to remain vigilant while out and about.
The health and wellbeing of the community and staff was Council’s top priority, he said.
“It will be wonderful to be back at Alert Level 2 with the rest of the Waikato but a gentle reminder that we must still keep up the good work to stay healthy and get COVID-19 out of our community. We’re asking Waipā residents to please adhere to the guidelines in place if visiting a Council facility or business and be kind to our staff and one another.”
“Some businesses may not be able to assist people to the same capacity as pre-lockdown so please be patient as well while you’re out supporting local.”
Mylchreest said contact tracing was still in place at all Council-operated public venues such as the libraries and museum and at its front counters and was a protective measure for the future.
“While COVID-19 restrictions have eased considerably we still run the risk of another wave of infection if we don’t all adhere to level 2 guidelines. Remember to sign in at all premises you go to when you’re out and about so the Ministry of Health can contact people if any new locations of interest crop up.”
Mylchreest said where possible, Council staff would continue working from home to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
“For those staff who will be returning to work, however, safety measures are in place and we will be closely monitoring the situation.”
For more information on Council services at Alert Level 2, head to waipadc.govt.nz/covid-19.