Mighty River Domain a 'no dog zone'
The Mighty River Domain is a ‘no-dog zone’ and Waipā residents have been urged to be responsible and keep their pooches off the site.
At Tuesday’s Finance and Corporate Committee meeting Mighty River Domain site manager and Waipā District Council deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk said over the past year there has been a significant increase in the number of dogs on site – both during events and with the general public.
“As we are a ‘No Dog’ zone we have worked hard to communicate this to event hosts and have signs all around the site as well as on our website,” Stolwyk said.
“Unfortunately, this is no longer having an impact. We suggest taking a stronger approach to this.”
She said animal control was brought in sometimes when people were not being compliant.
“We do bring in the animal control team quite quickly and they're brilliant. But the reality is we still have a lot of dogs coming on-site on a daily basis. Signage doesn't really seem to work.”
Stolwyk said it was difficult to manage 19 hectares when people did not follow regulations.
“You know, there can't be eyes and ears everywhere.”
The report recommended adding oversized impact signs in dominant areas such as the site office, café, and main embankment and signage should include the cost of the fine.
“Fines and infringements should also be included (and payable) in all lease agreements like cafes and clubs to actively encourage these leased areas to promote the no dog bylaw.”