Waipā community groups are being urged to apply for Council funding for projects to help the district recover from Covid-19.
Waipā District Council will open a new public funding round from July 18 to August 11, pegging $80,000 from the existing Community Recovery Budget for community-based projects.
The money aims to support activities which will help the district in its long-term recovery from the pandemic. Funds will be allocated in September this year with the remaining $180,213 from the Covid-19 budget carried forward.
At today’s Strategic Planning and Policy Committee meeting, Chair Susan O’Regan said it was important Council was responsive to changing community need.
“We know community groups do wonderful things and have really suffered from the impacts of the pandemic,” she said.
“So I’m pleased we have tweaked the criteria because it’s important Council is responsive to changed circumstances. I hope the changed criteria will allow successful groups to access funding so their great work can continue.”
Money for Covid-19 recovery has previously been allocated to a range of not-for-profit groups including Comm Safe Te Awamutu, Safer Communities Cambridge, Te Awamutu Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Cambridge Community House. Last month, the Committee agreed the fund would help fund a community librarian role until the end of 2022, but asked criteria be tweaked to reflect the changed Covid-19 environment.
Applications must come from legally constituted community groups or business organisations based in Waipā and must include a proposed budget as well as financial information. Groups that have already received funding from another Council source for the same initiative within the same financial year will not be eligible to apply. All successful applicants must submit a report at the completion of the activity or project, outlining the benefits to the community.
Waipā’s community advisors Gina Scott and Corren Ngerengere will be available to help advise groups on their applications.