New toilet facility for Leamington Cemetery
Visitors to Leamington Cemetery and the Wordsworth dog exercise park have less chance of ‘getting caught short’ with a new toilet facility starting to be built this week.
The toilet kick starts the implementation of the first stage of Waipā’s Cemetery Concept Plan.
Building will start on Wednesday and is expected to take two weeks to complete. New car parks will also be built in front of the toilet within the next 12 months.
The Cemetery Concept Plan was finalised in June 2023. The plan has been developed for Waipā’s 10 public cemeteries to respond to growth pressures and address issues such as insufficient seating, shade, cultural infrastructure, accessible paths and toilets, access, maintenance challenges and areas that are unsuitable for standard burials.
The plan will guide Council’s development of cemeteries for the next 20 - or more - years.
The work will be outside of the fenced cemetery, with minimal disruptions to people visiting the area.