Planning Lake Ngā Roto’s future underway
The community can now have their say on the future of Te Awamutu’s Lake Ngā Roto.
Waipā District Council has worked with mana whenua representatives to kick-start the review of the Lake Ngā Roto Recreation Reserve Management Plan. The current plan dates back to 2009.
Community services manager Brad Ward said we were in the early stages of reviewing the plan and would like to hear the public’s views on what could be included and considered.
“This is an opportunity to help shape how we look after this tino taonga (invaluable) natural resource for future generations. We want our residents and ratepayers to share their vision for the reserve, as part of this review process.”
The popular reserve attracts many visitors with the variety of activities it has to offer. The walking and cycling track had 44,689 users last year. It is also home to freedom camping and hosts clubs and individuals who row, sail, fish, and duck shoot on the lake.
The lake and surrounding whenua are significant to mana whenua. The battle site of Hingakākā covers the area, New Zealand’s largest intertribal battle.
The plan will guide the future management of the reserve and aims to:
- understand views of mana whenua and other users, on the use of the reserve
- ensure it reflects the district’s growing and diverse population
- reflect the changes in the reserve’s values and new ways to protect and restore the reserve
- consider renaming the reserve to mana whenua preferred name
- align the plan with new or reviewed legislation, national policy statements, policies, strategies and bylaws, and;
- update the plan to include land purchased in 2018 and approved projects.
Despite restoration initiatives, the water quality and ecological conditions have continued to degrade because of prolonged impacts from historic drainage, vegetation clearance and nutrient loading.
“Restoration of the lake is a long-term game. This plan won’t be a quick fix, but it will be a vehicle to bring key parties together. We need to be on the same page to improve the reserve and support the collective efforts to better the lake’s water quality.”
A focus group has also been formed to provide guidance and feedback. They will ensure the plan aligns with community, mana whenua and key stakeholder’s aspirations and views.
Feedback is open and will close 5pm, Sunday, July 28. To have your say visitārotoreview.