3,500 more houses needed around district
27 April 2017
Te Awamutu and Kihikihi will need nearly 3,500 more houses by 2050 to cope with projected population growth. That's two new houses per week for the next 37 years to house more than 18,000 people likely to be living in the area.
These figures and more are outlined in Waipa District Council's draft Waipa 2050 District Growth Strategy. The strategy outlines what growth is projected for the district and details how the Council proposes managing it.
While Kihikihi's existing town boundary provides for enough growth up to 2050, Te Awamutu will need a further 286 hectares of new residential land to be available for new housing.
In Te Awamutu, Council also wants an additional 20 hectares of industrial land and 16 hectares for commercial land to accommodate new factories, warehousing, office space and retail development.
Smaller Waipa settlements also come under the spotlight. By 2050:
- Karāpiro's population is expected to increase by 400, requiring 85 hectares of new residential land (based on three houses per hectare). Most projected growth can be accommodated through existing zoned land with further growth proposed to the northwest of the village.
- Ngahinapouri looks set to grow by around 380 people, requiring 50 hectares of new residential land and another 170 houses. A small neighbourhood shopping centre is proposed and the local primary school may need to be expanded. As the only centre between Pirongia and Hamilton, there may be an opportunity to develop a commercial area.
- Ohaupo's population is expected to grow by around 190 people, requiring 35 hectares of new residential land and another 90 houses on large lots (three houses per hectare). There is potential to create a new housing area with access to Lake Rotomanuka.
- By 2050 Pirongia is will home to nearly 2000 people following a population increase of around 480. That will require 70 hectares of new residential land and another 230 houses. There is currently enough land within the current village boundary to accommodate the growth. New retail space will be required before 2050, located across from the existing retail area on State Highway 39.Pukeatua is projected to grow by 70 people with 20 hectares of new residential land required for another 30 houses. It is likely more tourism infrastructure will be needed to cope with the impact of Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain. Both residential growth and tourism accommodation and facilities can be provided for within existing zoned land.
- Rukuhia's population will climb by around 140 with another 60 houses requiring 35 hectares of new residential land. Development in Hamilton will bring Rukuhia closer to the city and new roading projects are likely to remove most of the traffic from Ohaupo Road. This will open up development opportunities.
- Te Miro will grow by around 85 people, requiring 35 new houses and another 20 hectares of new residential land. Future growth is likely to be near the school with large lifestyle properties proposed.
- Te Pahu is also likely to grow by around 140 people, potentially driving 60 new houses and requiring 35 hectares of new residential land. Sections sizes are likely to be around 5,000m2.
There are also plans to provide more land for industrial development around Hamilton airport.
A booklet called What's the Story? has been developed to summarise what's proposed across the whole of the Waipa district. The booklet is available from Council offices and libraries and is online from May 1 at www.futurewaipa.co.nz.
Public feedback is being sought on the draft strategy until early June. Public information and feedback sessions will be held in the Te Awamutu library community room on May 3 and May 9 from 4pm - 7pm.
For more information, contact: Nicole Nooyen 027 807 3478