Pool project 90 per cent complete
Drone footage of the front of the Cambridge Pool facility
The indoor 25 metre pool
The end is in sight for the highly anticipated Cambridge pool project with the facility now 90 per cent complete.
Work is now finished on the 25-metre indoor pool, toddler pool, hydrotherapy pool, sauna and spa pool. The majority of work has also been completed on the outdoor 50-metre pool and children’s splash pad.
The remaining works to be completed include internal fixings, painting, installing floor coverings and preparing the pools and machine room for commissioning. Work is also underway to complete landscaping at the front of the building.
Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest said all going well, the pool was on track to open in April.
“We are very close to the finish line now and can’t wait to share this incredible facility with Waipā residents who have been waiting a long time for it.”
Mylchreest said following the physical completion of the facility, the keys would be handed to GoWaipa to fit out the facility and prepare it for operation.
“Once the building has been handed over, GoWaipa will be undertaking staff training and getting the lifeguards certified for the facility.
“They’ll also need to set up the customer service systems and the reception area, install IT systems and fit out the furniture throughout the facility in preparation for opening.”
Mylchreest said while this was underway, the final asphalting on Williamson Street, outside the Cambridge Pool, would also take place, adding the finishing touches to the area.
Residents on Williamson Street will be kept informed of any planned works to the street.
Stay up to date with this project at www.waipadc.govt.nz/cambridgepool.
Drone footage of the front of the Cambridge Pool facility
Drone footage of the front of the Cambridge Pool facility