Construction of a stormwater outlet which will service the new developments on Cambridge and Hamilton Roads, will begin on Monday.
This construction, as part of the C2 and C3 growth cells in Cambridge West, will require a section of the Te Awa River Ride to be closed. A 400m compacted gravel detour around the worksite will be in place for about 12 months, from early October.
The Waipā 2050 Growth Strategy identifies Cambridge reaching a population of 30,300 in 2050 – a forecasted increase of 13,000 homes.
The C2 growth cell will cater for 2500 homes, a retirement village, a new primary school, a recreational reserve and playground, neighbourhood shops and supporting underground infrastructure.
Waipā District Council manager project delivery Jean de Villers said building the infrastructure now would help prepare for the long term.
“It’s important we plan well for infrastructure, and that’s not just the pipes going in the ground, but with added swales that help manage the water runoff, filter pollutants, and increase rainwater infiltration through our networks.”
As part of these developments, Council has developed a network of planted swales to collect, treat, and discharge stormwater.
“This chute design helps reduce any impacts of flooding in heavy rain events and is designed to provide a stormwater outlet into the Waikato River without creating adverse environmental effects. While it may be a small inconvenience now, it’s the best time to do it while developments are underway,” de Villers said.
Following a comprehensive consenting process in 2020, consents were obtained from Waikato Regional Council for the subsequent discharge of stormwater and Waipā District Council to enable the construction of the outlet structure in this area.
The Te Awa River Ride can still be accessed from entry points in Cambridge at the Gaslight Theatre and the Grassroots Trust Velodrome. More information about the project and Te Awa River Ride detour can be found on Council’s website,
The detour will have signs on both sides letting track users know about the upcoming diversion, the construction progress and anticipated completion time.