Flood hazard mapping
What are the next steps?
Individual properties confirmed through the modelling as potentially at risk of over-floor flooding i.e. those expected to get wet carpets, in an extreme 1 in 100-year rainfall event, have been notified of their property status.
It’s important to know that if you haven’t been contacted by Council to date, this is because your house is not considered as being at risk of over-floor issues.
We are now using the modelled results to ensure our stormwater network meets the defined Levels of Service, e.g. road drainage to convey away a 1 in 2-year rainfall event, and to identify assets that don’t meet this level for upgrading through the planned renewal and upgrade projects.
We consider all verified, currently-available flood information and modelling when managing its assets and planning future stormwater network improvements. Decisions on the priority and timing of stormwater upgrade spending are made via our Annual Plan and Long Term Plan processes.
We will also use this latest flood modelling information in the District Plan and on the web viewer to manage new urban subdivision, development and use of land to help mitigate flood risk.
Access the: Stormwater Flood Modelling Tool.